Tuesday, 1 September 2015

August Crazy block

Hello everyone - well I think I have finally caught up with all the blog reading that I was behind on, firstly because of having no internet for a week and then having family visiting. The house is back to it's normal state and my dining table back in action which means I can get on with some larger projects again.

Firstly though I finished my Crazy Quilt Journal Project block for August last night and here it is followed by a few close ups.

It's the first of the month and I am looking forward to finding out what my new BOM is and my hexie swap partners. I have joined up with a new hexie swap group and am looking forward to more hexies flying around the world.

In the meantime there is much to do here - Philip has hurt his back so I am chauffeur and chief gardener (as well as everything else!) for the time being. At least it is cooler today - we had a storm last night which has cleared the air nicely.

I hope your week is going well.

Oooh - just spotted that my 200th post is just 4 posts away - shall have to find something for a little giveaway!


  1. This is amazing! Absolutely stunning.

  2. your block looks so dramatic in the red and black!
    well done.
    Lot's to look forward to in September by the sounds of it.
    Hope Philip's back recovers quickly.

  3. I'm just speechless at your crazy skills, girl....that is so gorgeous...wow. I hope Phillip's back is better soon!

  4. Wow Lin as ever stunning crazy patchwork block. I love the red and balck combo very striking. X:) Hope your Phil is better soon :)

  5. This block blows me away! Hope Phil is feeling better soon!

  6. I love it. The color scheme is stunning!

  7. Beautiful!!!!!! I love this block:)

  8. Hello Lin,

    Love the look of the red and black blocks. Hope Phillip is feeling better soon.

    Happy days.

  9. Another beautifully stitched CQ block. The red and black make a stunning combo.


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