Saturday, 11 May 2013

Another Mystery - Clue 4 and Bourdeilles!

This clue took quite a while to complete and now the end is in sight. Do wish I had some more of the light bamboo fabric.

Family visiting, so dodging the showers, we went out for a drive this morning. Bourdeilles is about 15 minutes from here and on the river Dronne - the same river that we overlook. 
The Chateau dates from the 13th century and the small attractive town overlooking the river is worth a visit.

Thank you for stopping by - the mystery will soon be revealed!



  1. can't wait to see your mystery quilt come together.
    what a picturesque place. the chateau looks amazing.

  2. Hi Lin Bourdillies looks beautiful, like stepping back in time. Lookng forward to seeing the mystery quilt come together. :)

  3. I'm excited to see your mystery quilt, you have a beautiful fabric. Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures. There is nothing that compares with France. Like Lin said, "like stepping back in time".

  4. Oh, a mystery is such fun and your photos are wonderful as always :)

  5. Exciting mystery blocks! Bourdeilles is just beautiful, a lovely way to spend the morning.

  6. The mystery quilt looks like a lot of fun and I'm curious to see the end result.
    What lovely views!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

  7. Beautiful blocks.Can´t wait to see your mystery reveled.The landscape pics are awesome.


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