Thursday, 5 December 2013

A Clean Studio!

Well actually, studio is pushing it a bit as my workspace is quite compact! Never the less it is not very often that it gets a complete spring clean which is what it had today - well what else do you do on a damp, cold foggy morning when you are feeling pleased with yourself for have completed all your Christmas projects.
So here it is in all it's glory before I get back on track and start making a mess again.

Yes folks - that's it!

work surface

machine thread storage and sketchbooks in progress

computer station, storage drawers and notice board

and just behind the desk are some of my textile/embroidery books, sketch books, magazines and anything that does not currently have a home elsewhere!

Notice the lovely patchwork bag hanging on the door handle made for me by my friend Jennie.
This door leads into the kitchen.

Fortunately the door to the left of my desk leads into the dining room. Good to have a nice large table for working on larger projects and as the room originally was a bedroom it has fitted wardrobes some of which are handy for storing my fabrics, threads etc etc.

As you will have gathered my 'studio' is actually a corridor! But at least it is my space and I love it.

As I have now finished all my Christmas projects I am back to work on the Mystery Quilt although not much I can do until some fabric arrives that I decided I needed to liven up the border.

If you have nothing planned for New Years Day how about making a Mystery Quilt?
 Heather Spence Designs are organising this and funds raised go to Cancer Care. This should be great fun - there is a facebook group so you can keep in touch with the other ladies (and possible gent!) and see how they are getting on. They are a super bunch.

Well that's it for today.

Happy stitching



  1. Yes Lin, it's a good feeling when everything is at its own place. After a good cleaning, we are ready for another new project and it has all the space, in our mind and on our table. Have a nice day!

  2. You have a well organized space and even if it is small it is efficient and that is what counts ! Great job on the clean up , you can come do mine now if you want ;-)

  3. It feels good to have a tidy and organise doesn't it, You're ready for the next project now!

  4. What a good feeling that must be - all your tasks up to date and your workspace tidy. (how long with it last??) Just looking at your book covers - simply stunning ! xCathy

  5. Great workspace you have there and it must feel really good to look and see how tidy it is. You seem to be well organised. I will do mine after the holidays, it it hasn't been done by the "little folk"!!!
    I love your postcard wall. Very nice.

  6. A perfect little studio Lin, with a nice big window! The postcard wall is wonderful too.


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