Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Post

In my last post I showed you the cards that I had sent to my swap partners in Sheila's Christmas postcard swap. I have finally received my second card - it was posted on to me from France by a friend - so I can show both of my cards to you.

This card is from Sunny (heres the picture for you Sunny!)

It is beautifully handstitched.

This card is from Janet.

It is not easy to see on this picture but the background is beautiful kantha stitching.

Thank you both very much for your cards and thank you Sheila for organising another swap for us.


For some time now I have been admiring the beautiful Cottage Garden Threads that some of my Australian friends have been using and I have been looking for a European supplier, to no avail! I happened to mention this to Maria and the lovely lady very kindly offered to send me a pack to try - how kind is that?
When the envelope arrived it not only contained the CGT but also some beautiful variegated green silk thread from Colour Streams and a gorgeous Fabric Patch!

The variegated CGT is beautiful - just my colours - as is the fabric patch

butterflies and passion flowers. (I know - I should have taken it out of the cellophane to photograph!)

Thank you very much Maria - if you don't know Maria's blog then do go and visit The Next Stage, Maria makes the most beautiful knitted throws!

I will leave you with a couple of photographs from Lyme Regis which we visited on Saturday.

And wish you all a very Happy Christmas and Peaceful (stitchy) New Year.


  1. Hello Lin,

    What a lovely post, so much kindness. Thanks for sharing your part of the world. Loved the photo;s of the harbour

    Merry Christmas

  2. I agree with Bev , lovely post . How sweet of Maria to send you the threads , you will have to let us know what you think of them . Loved the photos of your area , very interesting . Thanks for taking part in the swap , the postcards are great ! Merry Christmas to you and your family . Hugs Sheila

  3. Thank you Lin for the lovely comments. I think I must write a post about the company who produces those patches as Gerhard's photography is brilliant. I try to always put a patch in any overseas swap parcel I do...good advertising for Australia, lol.
    Love the photos of Lyme Regis...wanted to go there after I saw a UK show on cities and the presenter showed some fossils in rocks on the beach. Didn't get there though this year...ran out of time :-/

  4. What lovely Christmas postcards to have received and the threads and cloth look like they'll be beautiful to use. Thank you for the pictures of Lyme Regis and wishing you as well a very Merry Christmas with lots of stitching in 2015.

  5. Delightful post! Hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday and have a wonderful New Year!! xoxo

  6. Happy New Stitchy Year, Lin!
    they are beautiful gifts there, how thoughtful of Maria to send the threads...


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