Friday, 20 February 2015

A Package to the US

I joined Jenny of Elefantz Stitchery Club last year and each month she sends us some of her lovely embroidery designs. When she suggested a swap using one of her designs I signed up straight away and knew exactly which design I wanted to use as it appealed to me as soon as I saw it. Once I knew who I was sending to I checked out her blog - Sherry from Blessings from our Nest - then started stitching and thinking about what I would like to make for Sherry.
And here are the two items that I made. First a little needlecase.

I do love the little sewing machine and will have to sew one for me now!

We were asked to include a second item so I made one of my favourite Pink Penguin baskets to match the needlecase.

And so along with a postcard of the Dordogne I sent off my package.
This is not a straight swap - I do not know who is sending me my gifts so looking forward to getting back to France to see what has arrived!


  1. How nice of you to embroider such a lovely needlecase for someone. I like the blue flowered prints that you chose-they are sure to brighten someone's day!

  2. The needlecase and basket are so lovely Lin! You did beautiful work on making them both. The recipient will be thrilled.

  3. Wow I love that needle case and the basket, so beautiful. Sherry sure is a lucky girl.
    Thank you for all the beautiful pictures from Spain.

  4. gorgeous gifts sent Lin,
    the little sewing maching design is so pretty.
    love all the additions to your crazy block too. It looks amazing!!

  5. Hi Lin OMG I love both the little bag and that needle case is the cutest.I'm in sewing envy as all's I seem to do at the minute is photo shop and research for a blog/essay that will eventually lead to an academic poster. I constantly have to remind myself I am doing a Textile degree????? X :)

  6. What a deightful little sewing machine embroidery. Beautiful.


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