Tuesday, 10 February 2015

EPP Tuesday

Joining up with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches for her first EPP Tuesday.

So I am sharing my long term 1/2" hexie project which at the moment consists of a box of basted and unbasted hexies.

We saw some beautiful mosaics when we visited Rome last year and have a vague idea of trying to replicate part of one! We shall see.

Pop over to Anthea's blog to see what everyone else is doing.


  1. What a fun project this will be , I love hexies !

  2. I love the idea of replicating a mosaic...

  3. Cant wait to see how that turns out Lin...sounds wonderful. Xox :o)

  4. Beautiful fabrics. I look forward to seeing your progress with them.

  5. Hi Lin - wow what a great idea! I look forward to seeing the evolution of your plan...
    thanks for your support of PYT!

  6. Whatever you make will be gorgeous!

  7. Lovely pile of hexies! Will be looking forward to seeing them develop into your project.


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