Tuesday, 14 July 2015

EPP Tuesday and a June finish

It's Piece Yourself Together time again - thank you to Anthea for hosting this link again.

Click on Anthea's name above and you will find the other participants on the right hand side of her blog.

Now, first of all I wrote a blog post for the last PYT link and then forgot to link up! How silly is that? You can read that post here.

Since then not much has happened on the EPP front except that yesterday afternoon with half an eye on this motley crew

playing their Bastille Day bowls competition, I managed to baste quite a few 1/2" hexies.

I have also sent off my hexie swap flower for July but as usual forgot to photograph it!


I finished my June CQJP block last week - this is the finished block with a few closeups

The Dorset Posy in the bottom right corner is not a fixture yet - I am not sure if I like it there or not as I feel it might be a bit too 'heavy'

Anyway, this afternoon I put together my block for July and this is it.


We had friends staying at the weekend and on Sunday morning we went to visit an Open Garden belonging to friends of friends about half an hour south of here. Their beautiful garden contains lots of lovely banana palms which are the gardeners current passion! He even has one with bananas on!

Here are a few more pictures of the garden.

Our garden will never look that neat and tidy!

Have a great week.


  1. I'm always so inspired to see the lovely embroidery that you do! You should teach a class on how you come up with such neat designs. That snail is perfect ;-) That's interesting that the gardener can grow bananas where you are. When we lived in Okinawa, we had a banana tree in our backyard, which was rather cool.

  2. I just love your embroidered patchwork blocks so much, it's always a pleasure to see what the next month will have on it :-)

  3. Lin, lovely work on your rabble rousing group except for the one guy who is like my Uncle Menno who always does something silly like squat! Glad to see its been a busy crazy quilting time for you, looks great!

  4. Great pile of hexies and beautiful crazy quilt block!

  5. Your projects are gorgeous...the embroidery is stunning! That's quite a pile of little hexies there too. Lovely photos of the flowers...

  6. Love your Crazy block. So inspiring.
    Great garden pics. I love nosing around other's gardens. THank you

  7. That snail!!! Gorgeous!

  8. Your crazy patchwork blocks are to die for! Wow!

  9. Gorgeoos embroidery! Also, that's a nice pile of hexies started.

  10. Another stunning block Lin... that little snail looks happy with himself!
    Great work with the hexy basting

  11. Your crazy patch block in one word is exquisite ! Wow , wow wow !

  12. Wonderful pile of hexies....do you have a project in mind? Your crazy patch block is exquisite!

  13. Wonderful crazy block - love the pink butterfly!

  14. Wow awesome crazy patchwork.

  15. Your crazy block once again leave me with my mouth open...Wow FABULOUS and your garden is a paradise.Happy quilting!


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