Friday, 4 December 2015

Throwback Thursday #5

When Jenn A Quarter Inch from the Edge announced that she was setting up her Throwback Thursday linky I fully intended to link up each month with some of my older projects! Well, you know how all good plans somehow go wrong and here we are in month 5 and this is only my second link up!

Click on Jenn's link above to see what everyone else has come up with from the past.

Jenn asked us for Christmassy things this month - well I don't have a Christmas Quilt but this quilt was made five years ago for a Christmas present so I hope that counts!

The Quilters Guild of the British Isles ran a Mystery Quilt over 4 issues of their quarterly magazine. At that time I had not discovered the delights of online shopping for fabric let alone blogging! So this quilt was all made from my stash and the photograph is wonky but it is the only one I have.

This is just a crop of my original picture. Some of the fabrics are vintage Laura Ashley, some more modern. I did not have quite enough of the gorgeous pansy fabric and had to email the shop where I had bought it and they very kindly rummaged around and sent me an oddment that was tucked away in a corner.

The method of making the centre panel produced some spare pieces which very conveniently made a matching cushion but unfortunately I don't seem to have a picture of it.

So that's it - my throwback - I am now looking forward to going to see what everyone else linked up with..
Hope you have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Lin yout throw back is beautiful. I soooo miss quilting but not long left just six months. The first thing I am going to do is yes make a quilt hahaha xx oh I did email you a big thank you for my surprise Postcard I love it but I have two email addresses for you and not sure which one to use. If you didn't get it let me know and I will delete that email address from my contacts . All the best lovely X:)

  2. Beautiful Lin! I think I may have had that pansy fabric!

  3. Hello Lin,

    A wonderful quilt, pansy fabric is one of those fabrics we all had a piece of, it was so lovely.

    Happy days.

  4. Such a lovely quilt and well done using up some of your stash x

  5. It definitely counts! My link up, my rules! :) Such lovely colours... aren't all our wonky old photos funny? To think we'd only take one picture of something before giving it away. Now my quilts get the full on paparazzi treatment. Thanks for linking up with Throwback Thursday @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge. I hope to see more posts from you in 2016. Mark your quilty calendar. :)

  6. Love it! What a beautiful quilt - the purples are beautiful - love pansies.

  7. Nice little quilt Lin. Great that you were able to get some oddments of the fabric you needed.

  8. Lovely quilt in lovely colours, goodness what did we do before online shopping!!

  9. For sure gifts count! And its a lovely gift!

  10. I can't imagine the magazine choices of fabric were any more beautiful than yours!


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