Monday, 16 May 2016

Flags and a Trumpet Fanfare please!

Yes, it is finally finished - My Baby Dear Jane is all done!!!!

Started in 2002, she has spent a lot of time in the cupboard with brief flourishes of activity. But at the beginning of this year I decided it was time to get some UFO's out of the way and Jane was second on my list. You can read about how I decided to cut down the size here and here.
Having added the border it was time to layer her up for quilting and I chose a plain navy backing fabric adding in a few triangles that were left over from the border.

First of all I ditch quilted around all the sashing but then felt that it needed something more so I added diagonal stitching in both directions across each block. Finally more ditch quilting around the border triangles and it was time for the binding. I used some of the leftover red fabrics to make a scrappy binding as I felt it needed a bright edge rather than more navy.
And so there she was! Last night I added my signature to the back.

Today is bright but cloudy, perfect for a photo shoot so a couple more pictures to show you.

Now for my next UFO - definitely my four seasons crazy blocks so watch this space for my progress.

Have a great week.


  1. Happy Dancin' Right Here!
    Congratulations Lin, your baby looks just wonderful... well done on getting her finished so beautifully after her being a UFO & WIP for so long.
    Big Happy Hugs to you xx

  2. That looks great, Lin. Isn't it so satisfying to finish something! I am struggling with the hem of a swing dress right now and it is proving very difficult to get it level. Hope I can get this comment posted . . .

  3. Congratulations Lin! Excellent job. I love how the lighter section split the quilt, like a river runs through it. After such a long time in the cupboard, you must be so happy to finally enjoy this little beauty. Very well done. ;^)

  4. Way to go Lin! Well done on not only finishing your Baby Jane but also crossing a UFO off the list.
    It looks beautiful, I hope you're planning on putting it on display.

  5. Bravo Lin! Beautiful original expression on this baby Jane quilt.

  6. Bravo Lin! Beautiful original expression on this baby Jane quilt.

  7. Congratulations Lin!! That's a lovely finish and I bet you are just so happy to finish it and have it turn out so well.

  8. Congratulations Lin.It`s absolutely beautiful-Love evething about your quilt.Geat job!!

  9. It's beautiful Lin, I love your colour gradation, the angled corners and the surprise triangles on the back. The scrappy binding is perfect too and YAY for a finished UFO - def deserves flags and trumpets all round!!! :D - Chris

  10. Hello Lin,

    I have the brass band out playing for you, congratulations on a beautiful quilt, getting something like that done is wonderful. Onto the next one now, enjoy.

    Happy days.

  11. Hi Lin well done on finishing your baby dear Jane quilt it is fab fab fab X :)

  12. Congratulations on a truly magnificent and beautiful looking quilt. What a labour of love it must have been.

  13. Doing the HAPPY DANCE right now. CONGRATULATIONS, on your Baby, it looks so gorgeous. It's nice to be able to x out UFO, (I know the feeling:-) Love the scrappy binding.

    I'm looking forward watching your crazy blocks come together.

  14. Congratulations on your fantastic finish , your quilt is beautiful!

  15. Congratulations, Lin, it is BEAUTIFUL! I love everything about it, the design, your choice of fabrics.. even the little detail on the back :-)

  16. Lin I just love your baby Jane and so clever with the movement of colour.... beautiful work

  17. How exciting! It looks so beautiful spread out on the grass. Congratulations on your finish! Love the backing, too.

  18. It's beautiful, Gorgeous!
    I think it's amazing how small pieces become a work of art. More amazing still are the people who can make big pieces. Congratulations!

  19. Gorgeous finish!! Well done and congratulations on the finish!! Clever playing with the colour.

  20. Found it! You just missed the Baby Jane tag. I love how it turned out. I love the idea of making a mini-size Dear Jane.


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