Tuesday, 14 June 2016

EPP update

Hello everyone - it's Piece Yourself Together time and I am linking up with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches again.

Pop over to Hibiscus Stitches Here to see what everyone has been stitching.

There have been three new Morris Hexathon blocks since my last post

#4  Box Hill. I am afraid I chickened out of making a mini version of this block!

#5 Upton

And it's variation #5 Downton!

and the latest block #6 South Kensington Star.

Tricky to get all the points neat in the middle - my centres are not brilliant but could have been a lot worse!

Many thanks for organising the linky Anthea.

It's grey, damp and chilly again in St Victor - whatever has happened to the weather this year!

Hope your week is warmer and drier.


  1. I love #4! A whole quilt would look amazing. Is it a fairly easy block? We're a bit showery this week but quite warm. Abi's in Cornwall and the afternoons have been beautiful! Xx

  2. I love #4! A whole quilt would look amazing. Is it a fairly easy block? We're a bit showery this week but quite warm. Abi's in Cornwall and the afternoons have been beautiful! Xx

  3. Wow! EPP isn't just hexies! Your blocks are beautiful! I try to take a little time each day to stop and do some handwork. It's so relaxing!

  4. Amazing hexagons Lin. Heck... I thought I was picky but you are way worse than me. Your centres look pretty perfect to me. Hope your weather is improving. It's hot here in Scotland... can you believe that!! The weather is strange for sure. Take care and have fun.....xxx

  5. Love them all. Especially box hill. Rainy weather is a good excuse for more sewing...ha....

  6. These EPP are stunning and my best favorite is 5,love the 3D effect.

    Here was a hot day.

  7. Great color combinations!

  8. your hexagons are looking fabulous...

  9. Lin you're doing a wonderful job of the blocks & their mini-me's... lovely colours & ideas... woo hoo!

  10. Your hexies are looking great - love your latest. Weather here is a bit up and down too.

  11. Nope, not warmer or drier, rainy, cold and stormy all week. Lovely new blocks and perfect work on the S. Kensington stars, the centres look brilliant to me but then I am quite far away :-))


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