Tuesday, 23 August 2016

It's EPP Tuesday again!

And thank you very much to Anthea for organising us.

Do pop over to Anthea's blog here to see the lovely hexagon project she is working on and to see what everyone else is up to.

I have two more Morris Hexathon blocks to show you -
#14 Canterbury which was incomplete when I last showed you

and #15 Kelmscott Tile which was last weeks block

This weeks block is simpler but has not yet been completely basted so I will wait until next time to show you.

Also, I now have a selection of yellow hexies basted ready to start putting together my blue flowers - when a spare moment comes around!

Have a great week.


  1. Love this progress as I sit down to read some of my favorite bloggers, you included! Its gorgeous!

  2. Lots of lovely EPP happening at your place


  3. I love the colors in block 15. Your completed piece is going to be gorgeous!

  4. Good luck with finding a spare moment!

  5. Love your blocks. will there be a mini of 15. I'm a bit behind, working on my 15.
    Hope you find a spare moment somewhere.

    Have a nice week.

  6. Wow Lin, so many pieces go into each of the Morris blocks, great work, so neat as always! x

  7. I'm trying to catch up with the Hexathon. I have 6 done and and working on number 7. Love the colours your using :)

  8. Wow, I'm impressed, those are a lot of hexies! You've been really busy. I enjoy seeing the unique blocks that you're creating each week, thanks for sharing them with us.

  9. You make such beautiful Morris hexis.


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