Saturday, 3 September 2016

Friday Night With Friends update

Many thanks to Cheryll for hosting us again this month even though she is off on her travels. Do pop over to her blog here to see what everyone got up to.

I started on Thursday afternoon by printing this piece of felt so that it would be nice and dry for Friday and some fun stitching. It is aproximately A3 size.

I used my favourite Hundertwasser spiral print block and some gold acrylic paint.

The next stage on Friday was to finish decorating the surface and this I did by bonding a sheer nylon scarf to the surface

trapping some hot fix Angelina between the layers.

I also bonded some black felt to the reverse to make a nice firm fabric.

Next job was to meander all over the surface of the fabric with some lovely Cotona thread.

And so I ended up with this very firm piece of bonded and embellished felt.

And the reason for all this I hear you ask? Well I have some Christmas present ideas in mind for some of it but for the time being I needed a case for my crazy patchwork stencil/templates - they have sat in polythene bags for far too long!

I hope everyone had a great evening and I look forward to visiting to see what has gone on.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Something new for me to try. I've got some Angelina fibres somewhere!

  2. What a great idea and a useful finish.

  3. Lovely process and a great little pouch.
    I clicked on the link but it took me to snapwidget with the photo of your hexagon.
    I take it that's not what you thought?

  4. Ooh that's lovely, what a brilliant finish!!! I clicked on your link, but it took me to snapwidget.

  5. Hello Lin,

    Ooh I love how you made up that piece of felt, that thread is lovely, must look out for it.Have fun making up the Christmas items.

    Happy days.

  6. Beautifully creative as always. I couldn't find an instagram button to press - maybe I'm missing it, so sorry couldn't see where it led to for you!
    Chris x

  7. What an interesting process. How did you bond the scarf to the felt? It looks amazing.

  8. What a wonderful, inventive piece of stitching!

  9. So creative Lin and the end result looks terrific! I've been getting into felting more and more but have not tried stamping on it yet. What a lot of neat ideas you had to make your case. Thanks for sharing and for the great pictures.

  10. Very neat project Lin , love your quilting .

  11. what a clever way to fix up that felt. so creative and it's come up a treat...

  12. Wow! You clever girl. Just beautiful xx

  13. Thanks for sharing this process with us! What a great idea. Love the whole thing from the dye job to the quilt job!

  14. Thanks for walking us through how you did this! It's amazing to see how you made that and I love the result.
    Have a great week,

  15. Gosh what a transformation of the piece of felt - nice to see how you have done it too - and a perfect little bag for your stencils, etc :-)

  16. Very pretty project ♥


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