Tuesday, 25 October 2016

EPP Tuesday

Thank you Anthea for hosting us again - see what Anthea, and everyone else have been up to here.

Lots of secret Christmas stitchery going on here so not so much EPP but I am keeping up with the Morris Hexathon.

This is #23 North End Crescent variation - there should have been a curve on each of the three sides of each sixth - a little beyond me I am afraid!

#24 Brighton Church

And this weeks block #25Sussex Cottage

This Saturday sees block #26 and the last block! I have been working on a plan to put them all together. More next time/


  1. I can see the triangles in #23 North End Crescent but I don't understand how you made the curves so it is beyond me too. They all look so wonderful. Your stitches are so perfect they look like machine sewn. Can't wait to see them all together. Enjoy! ;^)

  2. Oh my word Lin, curves??! That is skill, right there! Well done my friend! x

  3. Very nice! I can't wait to see them all together.

  4. Hello Lin,

    Wow, these are looking fantastic, I can't believe the variety of shapes involved. I think I need to live for another few years to try some of these.
    Thanks for sharing, very inspiring.

    Happy days.

  5. They are looking great.Love them all and your fabric choice!

  6. Wow, nearly up to the last block - that's fantastic. I live the Brighton Church one. The blues in it look so rich.

  7. They all look very nice, and I'm so excited to see how you will put them all together. I better go upstairs and make that Susssex Cottage before number 26 comes along. Have a great weekend.

  8. I'm loving the vibrant colors that you're working with!! Each block is so unique, they must be so much fun to work on. I'm curious to see how they will all look together.
    Happy sewing,

  9. These are lovely, such pretty patterns and fabric combinations.

  10. Another hexie project! My first reaction was "I have to get on board with this one". But then I decided that no, I don't need to. I have enough going on. Love your solid fabric choices though.

  11. I like block 26, it has so many possibilities for fabric placement and fussy cutting. Well done on all of them.

  12. Hi Lin, You are probably working hard at sewing your hexagons all together.
    I'm in Iceland so now you have the Icelandic flag on your visitors :-)


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