Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Piece Yourself Together time again

It's time to share all things EPP again. If you have been working on some EPP then do go to Anthea's blog and link up your work - and spread the word. Many thanks Anthea for hosting.

I have only one Hexathon block to show you this week. #22 Hyde Park.

This weeks block is underway but taking a while as there are more curves involved! Not my favourite.

I have sent off my swap hexies for the month and have also received a few more for my collection. This beautiful fussy cut flower.

And these have arrived recently too.

Work continues slowly on putting them all together - in between other projects or when I want something portable.

Do you remember this little owl that I picked up at a vide grenier?

Well I have replaced the horrid blue rubbery lump that pretended to be a pincushion and this is what he looks like now.

Much more handsome - and he has a couple of little friends.

I'm also linking up with Needlework Tuesday  at Books and Quilts. 

Happy stitching!


  1. The blue and yellow are perfect together. Nice job on refurbishing the owl pincushion!

  2. The fussy cut hexa flower looks like a sea star. So beautiful! The yellow brings out the best of the blues. Great job on the owl. I much prefer it now too. Enjoy the stitching! ;^)

  3. The owl is looking altogether better, I agree - well done!

  4. Another week of beautiful hexies,love them all and your fabric combo.Great job!!

    Wishing you a fun week.

  5. Your owl is now a very handsome fellow.
    I hope you have time to enjoy your sewing this week.

  6. Mr Owl certainly looks prouder than he did before thanks to you Lin! Can just see how happy he is! loving your hexis too....looking good! xox sugary hugs :o)

  7. Hi Lin
    Great work on the owl - and terrific Morris block too!

  8. Yes, your owl is very handsome! i love your color block hexie.

  9. The fussy cut flower looks great, misty be a fiddle to do though! Great improvement on the owl! Xx

  10. Great owl! Love the blue and yellow colour combination on the quilt.

  11. Oooooo your hexathon looks interesting with lovely colours. Loooove your hexie flowers. You have quite a garden there. Your owl is rather cute. I collect owls .

  12. Wow! Loving all your hexie work. Lovely flowers and what a great job you did on the owl pincushion.

  13. Such beautiful hexies!
    Your refurbished owl looks wonderful.

  14. What lovely hexies all around! I'm always impressed at your hand stitching projects that you have going. A huge improvement on the classy owl and I love that blue owl box that you have sitting in the photo.
    Have a great weekend,

  15. More lovely hexies and your owl looks just darling in his new coat 😊

  16. I like the variety of the Hexathon blocks. I'm not ready to try one yet, but the more I see pictures of them, the more encouraged I get.

    I like the yellows you have chosen for between the 'flowers'.

    Thanks for linking up with Needlework Tuesday.

  17. I love what you are doing with the hexie flowers! There are so many ways to make these simple shapes look beautiful! Love your refurbishing of the owl too.


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