Saturday, 7 January 2017

Happy New Year and FNWF

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for visiting me last year, for your encouraging comments and I hope that you will continue to pop in over 2017.

Many thanks to Cheryll at Gone Stitchin for hosting our Friday night get together - you can see what everyone got up to on this first Friday of the year here.

We arrived home after nearly four weeks in UK on Thursday and I have been busy unpacking, sorting tidying etc ever since. However, I did make sure that I spent yesterday evening in front of the TV with some nice relaxing hand sewing.

I started work on this Gail Pan design during my early December trip to UK (more about that later) and then put it aside in favour of some knitting. So last night I was able to crack on and as you can see there is only the second heart and the running stitch border to do now - maybe tonight!

While we were away I read about Crazy Quilter on a Bike Elaine's Task Master Journal and thought that it might be a good way for me to keep track of my projects for the year. The idea is to have lists of 'to do's' - UFO's gifts etc and also weekly task lists which break down your projects into manageable tasks. Click on the link above to read all about it.

So I went out and bought myself a note book - only £2 in The Works so no great financial layout!

I do intend to make it a nice cover when I get some time. First up I made a list of lists! Then I started making my lists - here is the first one, my UFO list.

OK, so not a long list but, I was working from memory and there will be a lot more added to this list once I get to tidying my cupboards! There are also lists of things I need to do (gifts mainly) things I would like to do (this one will definitely grow over the year) a CTTY list and a list of monthly tasks (swaps, RSC etc)

Then starting at the back I have my weekly to do list - anything not done at the end of the week will get moved to the next weeks list.

There are plenty of pages in the book so I intend to add photographs of everything I finish through the year too.

Many thanks to Chantal for the link to Elaine and her Task Master post and also her Motivational Monday posts. I hope that 2017 will be a great year for you all.


  1. Love stitchery you are making, as always. Adding pictures of the quilt in the task master is an excellent idea. I will follow your example on this one. Thanks. P.S. Love the photo in the header. ;^)

  2. Such a pretty stitchery :-)
    As for the rest - I will not join you in this one. All my working life was about the pressure of deadlines and lists. My stitching is balancing that out, for me it is about enjoyment; it doesn't matter how long any project takes, or when it gets finished, or if it gets forgotten altogether. Task Master is just too much organisation for me, LOL!

  3. I don't think I'll be that organised, either. Sometimes I find I'm quietly stitching on something and have a moment of inspiration about something else, which throws any plans up in the air!

  4. Happy 2017. Your stitchery is looking the thread you are using. Your journal sounds great x

  5. I love Gail Pan stitcheries and this one looks good

  6. Happy 2017 - it's going to be a great year. Love the book idea. I am thinking of something similar to keep track as I started a number of things this past year but didn't finish them. Your stitchery looks lovely.

  7. Your work is always NiCe...
    Well done xox

  8. your stitchery looks lovely, have you a plan for it or could it become your notebook cover? I like the idea of being so organised, thanks for pointing out the Task Master idea.

  9. thats a lovely stitchery to work on..... I find it's helpful having lists of things to do too...

  10. I discovered "The Works" last time we were in the UK. I hadn't heard of the shop until I fell over it! Some very nice things and at good prices! I too have begun a notebook for planning projects - will be better (I hope) than all those lists I keep losing! Mine needs a cover too! Happy New Year! Lynne.

  11. That is a lovely embroidery.

    I have followed your lead and found a notebook to start my lists. Not doing it exactly like Elaine, but like her idea of the more general list in the front and then the weekly list in the back. Thanks for adding her link.

  12. Happy new year Lin, and thank you for all your wonderful sharing last year and motivation. I love your stitchery, but I'm curious, you mentioned knitting, Can't wait to see what is on your knitting needle. I'm a big knitting fan.
    Sounds so good this note book thing. I might give it a try. Have to many UFO. Thank for the link. :-)

  13. Hello Lin, you certainly cracked on with your embroidery - it's a lovely piece of motifs, who can resist little birds, flowers and hearts. A happy work.
    Your journal is a good idea, I use a similar type for when I paint... to record the colours I've used for when I wish to have a break from a piece and them come back to it. Memory is not the same as younger is it!
    Anyway, it's been beaut to re-connect with you and so cheerio for now and have a very happy and peaceful New Year :D)

  14. Glad you're home, safe and sound! Love your stitchery! Keeping a notebook/journal is a great idea! Enjoy your day! XO

  15. Happy New Year, Lin, and wow that notebook is gorgeous.
    Lovely idea to add photos of your finishes this year!

  16. I missed the part about taking photos of finished projects. Great idea. I am going to start doing that with my bigger projects.
    Thanks for linking up with Needlework Tuesday.


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