Tuesday, 14 February 2017

EPP Tuesday

I am linking up with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches again for all things EPP.

The only sewing that I brought with me to Spain this year was my swap hexies for February - which have been posted off and guess who forgot to take a photograph first! - and my Hexathon quilt. Some progress has been made although not as much as I had anticipated. It is not portable so while watching bowls or sitting on the beach I have been knitting or working in my journal. But here it is in all it's glory so far!

I am pleased with how good it is looking and hope to find some time over the next 10 days to get some more done.

Last week we went up the coast to Aguilas - this is the promenade!

I think they could have been a bit more adventurous with the pattern though.

Have a great week.


  1. I agree - they could certainly have made more of that pavement!

  2. Some of those hexie blocks are pretty spectacular all done inside a little hexie - Im most impressed - and fun to find some hexie patterns around the towns. I have a day off today so hope to get to some hexie work

  3. Great to find hexie pattern there and your project is stunning.Love your fabric combo!

  4. looking great Lin.....and love that you can find quilting designs everywhere! xox

  5. Amazing! You are making great progress Lin. You are surrounded it seems by hexies xx

  6. I like where your hexathon quilt is heading. Are you assembling it by hand or machine? It is beautiful. The men who worked on that pavement obviously aren't married to quilters! lol. ;^)

  7. Great quilt!
    Isn't it funny how you start noticing hexagon shapes all over?

  8. Your hexie quilt is lovely! I'm interested in your spacing and what you have in mind for it. Aren't the tiles lovely too!! I see patterns in the sand on the beach that I would love to record but they are difficult to photograph well. I wish I had brought some knitting on my trip. I have a Shashiko project that I work on when I don't feel like doing the hexies, but knitting would use different motions which would be nice for a break.

  9. I love how your hexathon blocks are coming together.... very effective...

  10. Wow Lin your hexies look fantastic,well done .

  11. Love your hexies, they are coming along well. Yes a missed opportunity with that footpath.

  12. Hexies are growing beautifully love how you are using the grey, really makes them pop

  13. Hexathon is coming along beautifully Lin... love that background fabric!

  14. I love your hexie quilt. Such fun colours. Looking forward to seeing more. And I agree that they could have been more adventurous with their paving pattern! x

  15. I love your Hexies they look amazing. Maybe they need to paint the pavement with some of the designs from your quilt! That would liven it up.


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