Friday, 31 March 2017

Something different - Hygge!

A few weeks ago I read on Radka's blog  about this CAL that she was joining in with. Well I too thought that it looked beautiful and before I knew it the kit had been ordered!
I was in the UK last weekend where my kit was delivered and I was eager to get going - it is so long since I did any crochet.

First of all here is my kit - all beautifully packaged.

There are several different colourways - I chose Juwel.

With some spare time while away I was able to get started so here is my progress so far.

Week 1 - lots of bobbles using all the different colours.

Week 2 - all double crochet with the addition of chain and cross stitch patterns.

Week 3 - more chain stitch and a row of hearts.

There are 14 weeks of instructions in all and I am a couple of weeks behind so plenty of time to catch up.

The word 'Hygge' is a Danish word. Roughly translated it means cosiness but not just in the sense of being warm!

'In Danish, hygge is pronounced “HUE-gah”. Though there are many ways to describe hygge, we see it simply as the Danish ritual of enjoying life's simple pleasures. Friends. Family. Graciousness.'
You can find out more about the Scheepjes CAL 2017 here and meanwhile I wish you a happy weekend with plenty of hygge!

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

EPP Tuesday Catch Up

Linking up again with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches for EPP Tuesday - thank you Anthea for organising the link.

About 18 months ago I wrote this post for EPP Tuesday about some UFO EPP that I had in a folder. I had no idea why I had started it or what it was for but decided to finish it. So I ended up with this piece of EPP. It is just under 12" in diameter.

So then it went into the cupboard and got forgotten about again until recently when I decided that I needed a case for my embroidery hoops. While trying to decide how to make the case I remembered my piece of EPP and it seemed like a good oportunity to make use of it. Fortunately I have plenty more of the  golden orange fabric and used that to make my case with the EPP appliqued on.

So here is the finished case - it's basically just a 'cushion cover' with a zip across the back.

My centre points were not quite as acurate as they could have been so I added a little button covered in the same gold/orange fabric and am pleased that I did as it makes a nice feature

I have to say that I had no idea that I had so many embroidery hoops!

Here they all are safely tucked away in their new case.

Until next time.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Hexathon catch up

It's the second Tuesday of the month so it is time to link up with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches for all things EPP. Do pop over to see what everyone has been doing - Anthea has a great giveaway too!

I have made progress with putting together my Hexathon quilt and it now looks like this.

I am putting it aside for a while now as I concentrate on some other projects but more about them next time.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

RSC catch up

Having been away for the month of February my first priority was to make my RSC  February blocks. The colour for the month was Aquamarine and surprisingly I had very little of this colour in my stash. So there will be no extra make in this colour. Here are my blocks.

The colour for March however is red and I have plenty of that. Here are my red blocks.

On my to do list for next week is a scrappy red sewing machine mat.

I am linking up with Scraphappy for Super Scrappy Saturday.

This week I have also been working on my Hexathon quilt and playing around in my sketchbooks.

It has been good to have a few days of sunshine and to be able to get out in the garden. There is plenty of spring colour around making it a pleasure to be out there.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Friday Night with Friends

I spent Friday afternoon with friends too! Along with millions of other women around the world I took part in the annual Womens World Day of Prayer service which we hold in the Chapel of our local hospital. The service this year was prepared by the women of The Philippines and focused on fairness. We each had a copy of this colourful picture depicting the balance between brightness and darkness, lush and plentiful harvests on the right, industry, destruction and poverty on the left.

It was a beautiful service to share in.

So in the evening I was sewing with friends around the world and many thanks to Cheryll for getting us organised.
I was working on my swap hexie flowers tablecloth and made good progress adding a couple more flowers.

Do pop across to Cheryll's blog to see whet everyone got up to.

I hope you all have a great weekend.