Friday, 31 March 2017

Something different - Hygge!

A few weeks ago I read on Radka's blog  about this CAL that she was joining in with. Well I too thought that it looked beautiful and before I knew it the kit had been ordered!
I was in the UK last weekend where my kit was delivered and I was eager to get going - it is so long since I did any crochet.

First of all here is my kit - all beautifully packaged.

There are several different colourways - I chose Juwel.

With some spare time while away I was able to get started so here is my progress so far.

Week 1 - lots of bobbles using all the different colours.

Week 2 - all double crochet with the addition of chain and cross stitch patterns.

Week 3 - more chain stitch and a row of hearts.

There are 14 weeks of instructions in all and I am a couple of weeks behind so plenty of time to catch up.

The word 'Hygge' is a Danish word. Roughly translated it means cosiness but not just in the sense of being warm!

'In Danish, hygge is pronounced “HUE-gah”. Though there are many ways to describe hygge, we see it simply as the Danish ritual of enjoying life's simple pleasures. Friends. Family. Graciousness.'
You can find out more about the Scheepjes CAL 2017 here and meanwhile I wish you a happy weekend with plenty of hygge!


  1. So beautiful! I love your colour choice x

  2. This is so lovely. Wow! I would return to crochet if I could make one like that. Very expensive to bring such a box across the ocean, so I'll pass. I will enjoy looking at your gorgeous, even stitches on this shawl. Wonderful! ;^)

  3. Wow!!! That is beautiful and you have made fantastic progress.

  4. Hello Lin, I'm really impressed by the beauty of your work. It's an artwork in wool and your colour choice is gorgeous.
    I really love your word Hyge... and its meaning.
    Happy crocheting :D)

  5. Wow! That is amazing! Love the sparkly colours!

  6. oh my gosh that is beautiful....

  7. This is going to be beautiful, I look forward to seeing you modelling it!

  8. This is gorgeous. I have even seeing this word a lot lately.

  9. It is looking great, Lin! (Mine is still in the box, just can't get around to it :-(

  10. Oh my gosh! That is fabulous and what a great job you're doing on it.

  11. OMG this looks so beautiful, what a lovely yarn, and colour you have chosen. What does CAL stand for?
    Thank you for sharing, I might order some yarn from "Scheepjes" web, it looks so gorgeous, and they just started a "Nuts about Squares CAL 2017". I will think about that while playing golf next week in Spain.

    The yarn looks so soft in your box. Looking forward to follow your progress.

  12. This is a beautiful project!! Good on you for succombing and diving into it! I am guessing the cross stitch bits are done after the crochet?

  13. OMG! how lovely! I wish i could crochet!

  14. This is beautiful work, what a lovely project.


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