Saturday, 5 August 2017

Friday Night with Friends

Many thanks to Cheryll for inviting us round again even though she could not be there herself. I am sure everyone enjoyed her hospitality - click here to see what everyone was working on.

I have been following the DMTV Summer Stitchalong for the last few weeks making a book cover. The first couple of weeks involved choosing a book - I am making a cover for my sewing journal - a colour scheme and then some fabrics. We were encouraged to choose a photograph and then pick five colours from that photograph to work with. Here is my selection.

Next we had to pick a shape - triangles, squares, hexagons for instance and make a shape to add to the background of our book cover. Here is mine before I sewed them together and stitched them down. Of course I chose hexies!

So that was the stage I was at by yesterday afternoon. The next stage was to add some single shapes which I did adding in some half inch hexies too.

The final stage was to add some printed hexagons and I did this with a piece of compressed sponge which I cut to a 3/4" hexagon and used with some gold acrylic paint.

As you can see it is now layered up and ready for the next stage which is stitch/quilting. And there I left it.

My next project for the evening was to layer up a couple of mug rugs which I have been working on and add some quilting.

So these are now ready to be trimmed and have their edges turned over - a little job for this evening I think.

All together a very satisfying FNwF - I hope everyone else enjoyed it too.


  1. Wow! Love your Fuchsia flowers and the book cover they inspired. You have a knack for picking colors. Awesome project. Love the little sheep too. Enjoy your evening! ;^)

  2. Lovely work, Lin! I thought you were stitching the painted page at first ..... it looks like something you could copy onto fabric to stitch, such pretty colours! Great work on your book cover, and cute sheep too!
    Barbara xxx

  3. Oh my goodness you're amazing - how lovely!!!

  4. very clever playing with colour that way - it looks fantastic and I love your sheep..

  5. Hi lin what a wonderful way to make your book cover,i love the colours Lin and those mug rugs are so cute ,well done xx

  6. Wow love your process and colour selections etc. the colours look fabulous !

  7. A very productive evening....very creative process making your book cover, lovely!
    Such pretty mug rugs..

  8. Yes, a very satisfying evening's work. Your book cover will be cheering and inspiring and encourage you to use it!

  9. I love they way you worked out your colours for the book cover..
    Just love those sheep...

  10. What a great idea for colour co-ordination. I love your sheep, I may have to do some of those for my stitching friends who are sheep mad. :)

  11. Love the gold paint on the hexy's Lin, this is going to be a gorgeous project when it's finished, well done. x

  12. Lots of creativity! I love being creative and playing - it just makes my mind feel freer. Your little sheep are very cute.

  13. I like your hexagons, great colours. And your header is so pretty too,

  14. Love the colours of fushias and your book cover is looking great, but I'm in love with those sheep mug rugs !

  15. What a beautiful book cover - I can't wait to see the final results x

  16. I love your book cover-so unique and a great choice on the fabrics! Anything with a sheep design makes my wool loving heart beat faster :-) Great mug rugs!!

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