Saturday, 25 November 2017

FNSI for November

Many thanks to Wendy for hosting our virtual sew-in. You can see what everyone was working on here on Wendy's blog.

I started the afternoon with the intention of adding the borders to my Hexathon quilt.

I had not squared the top up since adding the large plain section and this took a little while! At this point I was winging it a bit so decided to add the plain borders first which I did - just a small pic as it was raining outside and space indoor was at a premium!

At this point I realised that I had miscalculated on the ammount of bias strip that I needed for the coloured flange - by half! So that will have to be a job for another day. I was however able to use the off cuts of border fabric to extend the pieced borders and I have those joined now ready for my next session. Lunch guests tomorrow means that my large work table - ie the dining room table has to be cleared.

So not as much achieved as I had hoped but at least the task has been started and I now know where I am going.

Friday evening called for some relaxing hand sewing so I made this Christmas flower for one of my swap groups.

Now I am looking forward to seeing what everyone got up to. Have a great weekend.


  1. It's nice to see your hexie quilt progressing along Lin...yes, at least you have a plan for going forward even if you had the odd hiccup. Cute little hexie flower :-)

  2. Great you were able to progress your hexie quilt Lin!
    Pretty hexie flower.
    Barbara xx

  3. Well done - even if you had to clear the workspace and couldn't get back to it!

  4. Hi Lin i love your xmas hexie ,lovely fabric.
    Its good you worked out where you went wrong,good luck with finishing it,hope you have a lovely day Lin xx

  5. well done.. it's going to look great....

  6. Your hexie quilt is looking lovely, shame about the woops with the calculations!! Pretty hexie flower. Hope you had a great lunch visit with your friends.

  7. I love the idea of the flange Lin. It looks great. Frustrating when you miscalculate.....I do it all the time lol! Hope you enjoyed your dinner guests x

  8. You did a lot of work on the Hexagon Quilt. Sew annoying when we mis calculate....

  9. Popping in via FNSI...looks like you had a productive FNSI, pity about the miscalculation but the hexagon quilt looks beautiful

  10. Your hexi quilt is looking lovely - glad you were able to fix the bias. Good solution.

  11. Wow Lin, hexathon is coming along so well! I hope the fabric miscalc can be remedied without too much hassle.

  12. Love your Hexathon quilt! Such a large, beautiful project to take on!


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