Saturday, 17 February 2018

FNSI and Lily Pond finish

My Friday began with a very pleasant few hours by Mojacar bowling green working on some secret stitching which progressed very well. Had hoped to include pictures of Mojacar in this post but my computer is playing up and the pictures are on there.
Once back at our apartment I started snipping off all the ends on my Lily Pond - Cherry Blossom crochet. Yes, I completed the crochet on Thursday. Sadly my tablet will not let me show you my photograph!
Hope everyone had a good Friday and enjoy your weekend.

Update - click on my Instagram link to see a picture of my Lily Pond!


  1. Glad you got some stitching done, shame about the photos, hope you can sort it out soon :)

  2. Hope the pics get fixed soon - I stopped going to instagram after I realized how many hours I was there, lol - enjoy!

  3. A number of us having troubles with photos on the blogs! Glad to hear your lily pond has gone well - I remember you starting that one!

  4. Hi Lin what a shame about the pic,but glad you had time for your secret stitching xx

  5. The blanket does indeed look gorgeous - well done!

  6. Lovely you could join in for FNSI and we can see your pictures later..
    Happy Holiday.

  7. I just love your Lily Pond crochet ... it's gorgeous


  8. Good to hear you got sewing done, looking forward to seeing the photos when you can.

  9. Great you still got sewing done, it'll be fun to see when you get the photo's sorted out. Always frustrating eh? Karen, Hannah and Baa xxx

  10. Well done on your Lily Pond finish, Lin... I'm sure it looks beautiful & I recall the colours are so pretty...

  11. Are you in Mojacar?Love it.Years ago I have been there 15 days enjoying my summers holidays.

    Looking forward to see Lily Pond project and enjoy your holidays!!

  12. Don't you just get so aggravated when the computer messes up? It's amazing how much we rely on them to function properly at ALL times! Hahaha! Glad you managed to get some stitching done even if it doesn't show here.

  13. Good to hear that you have finished the Lily Pond crochet, so pretty. Hope we can see a photo on your blog soon.

  14. Looking forward to seeing photos of your finishes!

  15. It sounds like you have had a great combination of visiting a new place and getting some creative time in! The best of both worlds :-)

  16. Congratulations on your finish! Glad you got some secret stitching done too. I will head over to instagram to check out your finish x

  17. Congrats on your finish Lin! Lilly Pond looks gorgeous.
    (My first visit to you on Instagram)
    Barbara xx

  18. Saw your crochet project on’s beautiful! How frustrating when our devices won’t cooperate!

  19. Sounds like you've had a lovely time stitching xxx


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