Tuesday, 27 March 2018

PYT Tuesday is here again!

Those two weeks zipped by!

Thank you Anthea for keeping me on my toes - pop over to Anthea's blog here to see progress on her lovely hexagon quilt and to see what other EPPers are up to.

I took my blue and yellow Grandmothers Flower Garden out of it's box again for a week and have made good progress.

Here it is when it first reappeared

I spent a couple of evenings basting yellow hexagons.

And then cracked on with my cloth.

It has all gone back in the box now until my next burst of enthusiasm! I have enough blue flowers to go all the way around again so another big push should see it finished.

Meanwhile another UFO has surfaced but I will save that for my next post.

It's raining again here - I am sure we must have had more than enough rain to make up for the dry summer we had last year!


  1. That is so pretty Lin!!! Raining here today too, kind of nice after so many sunny days. I do enjoy a gentle rain.

  2. Very lovely. Love the blue & yellow together. Hugs,xx

  3. Love the colours you are using..they are like a blast of sunshine in your rainy weather.

  4. Hi Lin ,love your flower garden hexies,your project is looking fantastic,beautiful work my friend xx

  5. love your blue hexies and the yellow stepping stones are gorgeous!
    We could do with some rain here if you want to get rid of some?

  6. Gorgeous - blue and yellow work so well, don't they!

  7. The yellows in this are so bright and sunshiney! Great progress - it looks fantastic x

  8. Oh all those yellows Lin, are just so pretty... great work there my friend!

  9. Absolutely beautiful! Yellow is such a joyous colour. Love the blue with yellow.

  10. oh, I really like the colour combination. Yellow and blue are so pretty together. Miss H is doing a hexi quilt. I think it will be a 5-7 year task!!!

    Karen, Miss H and Baa. xxx

  11. Love blues & yellows together. Very springlike.

  12. Just have to love that beautiful yellow and blue combination. Those hexie flowers are coming together beautifully.

  13. Blue and yellow is one of my favorite combinations. I just love how this looks. You certainly have some lovely vacations to very special places! Nice photography.

  14. A couple of evenings work? Gosh, can you share some of that energy with me ;-) Lovely colors, I love, love, love the yellows and blues together. It will be a very lovely quilt when you are finished.
    Happy sewing,

  15. Gosh, so many hexies! You are doing so well. Very pretty colours! A very sunny project!
    Barbara xx

  16. These are lovely hexies, great combination of colours. At last it has stopped raining here after a very wet and cold March, too much snow this year in Spain which is now melting and causing rivers to overflow and crops to be lost.

  17. Very lovely. Love the blue & yellow together. Hugs,xx
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