Saturday, 5 May 2018

Friday Night with Friends and RSC

Great to be joining in again with FNwF - thanks to Cheryll for inviting us round even though she is off on her travels! You can see what everyone got up to here.

I started off my afternoon by machining up these two blocks for April and May's Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Yellow is almost non existent in my fabric stash but I managed to find these gold and mustards in my box of squares so they will do. The selection of pinks was a little better. I am linking up with Scrap Happy Saturday

Next up were some swap hexies - I finished one during the afternoon and the other in the evening.

After a cold spell last weekend it has started to warm up again and we were able to spend some time in the garden yesterday afternoon planting out our tomato, pepper and aubergine plants. They all had to be mulched with grass cuttings too to try and stop the soil drying out too quickly around them.
Come the evening I was very happy just to sit and sew. After finishing off the second hexie flower I cracked on with my next pink block.
And am very happy with the progress made.

Thanks Chez for an enjoyable FNwF's.


  1. Yes, good progress, especially considering the gardening as well!

  2. Loving your pink blocks ...... what do you do with all your swap hexies? You've been swapping for a long time now ......... what do you plan to make with all the scrap happy blocks? Good progress in the garden ....... we call peppers capsicums over here, I'm going to have to look up what an aubergene is to see if maybe we have a different name for that too lol. Even between Victoria and QUeensland , the 2 states at opposite ends of Australia we have different names for things like cantaloupe in Vic and it's rockmelon in Qld, potato cakes in Vic and potato scallops in Qld lol

  3. Wow you did achieve quite a lot...well done.

  4. Sounds like you are having a busy time, pretty hexies and your colour blocks are lovely too. Hope all the veges grow well.

  5. Lovely hexies and pink block, looks like you had a very busy day, well done.

  6. Great progress Lin , love your rainbow blocks and those hexies too😊

  7. Gee you were busy! Loving your blocks, particularly the pink ones.

  8. Hi Lin beautiful work my friend you have been busy,hope you have a lovely day Lin xx

  9. Your blocks are lovely and I like the hand quilting in the last one.

  10. Lots of things done! Beautiful blocks.

  11. Great to catch up on your RSC18 and pink blocks as well as doing some swap hexies.
    How good you had time in between to do some gardening too.

  12. Your blocks are very pretty, the golds look great as do the pinks. Rather you than me on the hexies - maybe one day. Glad you got to do some gardening, nothing better than growing your own veggies. :)

  13. Lovely blocks - they're so perfect!!!

  14. your blocks are wonderful! have a happy pink sewing week.

  15. Another lovely pink block, so pretty!

  16. Lovely blocks... I also find I don't have as many yellows and oranges that the other colours...

  17. Great blocks, and your little hexies are so cute!

  18. Hi Lin,
    You have been very busy, well done. I love the colours you have used too. Xx.

  19. Hi Lin! Great to catch up on your blog posts & see what you've been doing... great yellows sewing & the pinks/roses are pretty too.
    Love the swap hexy's.

  20. It sounds like you squeezed it all in over the weekend! Niec to hear the weather is good enough for planting and a nice nit of sewing. It does seem a very painless way to quilt a quilt doesn't it? One small block at a time...very nice!

  21. Hello Lin, I liked the gold and mustard additions to your blocks - they add another interest.
    After a nice day gardening, what better than to sit and do something relaxing and creative.
    Cheers! xx

  22. Great progress with all your sewing! I love the fabric with the tiny flowers on the pink block!
    Nice That you were able to get on with the garden too! We had sunny days but it has turned more like winter again here!
    Barbara xx

  23. Lots of wonderful sewing! I like the yellow block, the gold color appeals to me quite a bit. Your gardening sounds quite nice, and isn't lovely to be able to be out and about once again, tending green things?

    Happy sewing,

  24. Pretty hexies and gorgeous pink fabric for your next block.


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