Tuesday, 14 August 2018

EPP Tuesday

It's time to 'Piece Yourself Together' again with Anthea at Hibiscus Stitches. Do take the time to link up if you have some EPP to share as we love to see what you are working on.

I have been working on my swap hexie flower cloth and have added the final round of blue flowers.

I just need to finish adding the yellow hexies around the last couple of sections and then I will need to work out what to fill in the gaps with and how I will finish the edge off.

Here are the swap hexies I have sent off this month.

These are for someone who has no colour preference, just asks for cream centres. So it was fun to go through my stash to see what took my fancy.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has been working on.


  1. Lovely hexies and I love your Super Scrappy piece!

  2. Love your hexie flowers, Lin. Doing hexie swaps is a fantastic idea. No one near me EPPs. I should find an online group, eh? Have a great week!

  3. Wow, I love the yellow against the blues! Very nice and so much hand sewing there. Is this for you?

    Happy sewing,

  4. The blue and yellow is going to be stunning, isn't it!

  5. Beautiful blue hexie flowers.

  6. oh, your hexi's are looking so great. I must tell Miss H and Baa to have a look.

  7. How fun to swap hexie flowers with other ladies. I think I would love to do this. Your hexie project is beautiful. It is evokes in me a feeling of a bright and sunny and cheery summery day. =)

  8. Your blue and yellow hexie's look amazing! Such good colour choices x

  9. I love your hexies project , the colours are gorgeous. Two very cute hexies for your swap partner as well . Hexies are fun , I haven't done any in a while but love the process, maybe this winter I will get back to them .

  10. Such a lot of hexies, Lin! Lovely colours, and the yellow really sets them off well!
    Beautiful fabric you’ve used for your swap hexies!
    Barbara xx

  11. I love blue and yellow together. This is gorgeous!

  12. I love your beautiful blue and yellow quilt. Looking forward to seeing it completed.

  13. These yellow and blue hexies are lovely. another pretty quilt in the makings.

  14. Hexies are the one thing I cannot find the patience to even want to make one. So I am always in awe of hundreds, thousands of them being made for a project. Your yellows and blues look wonderful.


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