Friday, 1 February 2019

Friday Night with Friends

Lovely to be joining up with friends around the world for the evening. We are in Spain again for our annual winter dose of vitamin D!

I have been working on the Pansy Scissor Keeper kit that I bought after Christmas.

This is how far I had got to.

Today I have finished the stitching and made the tassel and cord.

Now I need to make it up.

I feel so fortunate to be here in sunny Spain especially when I hear from friends with sub zero temperatures or flooding and family with snow and ice.

We have spent the last couple of weeks visiting favourite places up and down the coast from here, Philip has joined the local bowls club and we have been out birdwatching and seen a few treats.

The best place I know to sit for a coffee and tostada (toasted baguette with freshly grated tomato and lots of drizzled olive oil).

A lovely day for a paddle!

Nice things to collect from the beach.

There seem to be lots more flowers around this year.

Beautiful deserted beaches.

This is part of the complex we are staying in - sadly not warm enough to swim! But there are lots of lovely  shapes and patterns to play with for designs.

Definitely the best manhole cover I have seen in a long time.

Hope you made it through all those pictures and I look forward to seeing what everyone got up to this evening.


  1. Why, I could have looked at many more photos of your "soaking up Vitamin D" holiday, Lin. That is a fabulous man hole cover. Lots of further stitching inspiration to be seen there. Love your Pansy Scissor Keeper, embroidery! The colours of the threads are beautiful and it is such a pretty design. Your embroidery is lovely to, as is the fun tassel. Enjoy your holiday, lovely lady.

  2. Oh, your stitching is gorgeous! I love that sweet pair of scissors. I am one of the ones in the subzero temps, so I’ve virtually soaked up some of your warm sunshine through this post. I love the coast and miss it dearly. Fabulous man hole cover indeed.

  3. Love your scissor keeper. Wonderful photo's of Spain. That manhole cover is indeed the best. Hugs,xx

  4. Lucky you to be stitching in such a beautiful place, great stitching too.

  5. Beautiful stitching, enjoy soaking the viatmin d!! Great to see where you are staying.

  6. Wonderful photos! Looks like a great place to stay. Your scissor keeper is gorgeous, beautiful colors.

  7. Looks and sounds lovely and relaxing Lin. Loved seeing your pics. Your scissor fob is going to be beautiful.

  8. Hi Lin beautiful work my friend and lovely relaxing post,what a pretty place you are staying at,hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

  9. Great post! Yes, we have been in a deep-freeze of late but quickly snapping out of it this weekend with highs in the 60s!!! Love your scissor keep - a real treasure! Speaking of treasure the seashells were beautiful. Have yourself a wonderfully restful vacation

  10. I love the little needlekeep stitching... so much detail and beautifully done. It looks so lovely there in Spain... great place to go to get some sun..

  11. Thank you for the glorious pictures from Spain. It was such a relief to see the sunshine and ocean, so different from what we have right now.

  12. Your sissor fob is amazing...LoVe it...
    And thanks for taking me to Spain with you... xox

  13. I agree about that manhole cover - it's a cracker!

  14. Nothing like a holiday venue to sit & stitch in for FNWF - I do love that scissor fob!

  15. The scissor keeper is so intriguing. I love it. Looks like it so fun to make. Lovely pictures. So fun to see different parts of the world.

  16. Hello Lin! The scissor keeper is such a practical idea... those scissors love to hide ;D) Your needlework is gorgeous and (I'm sure I say this each time) is made of such lovely colours.
    Beautiful holiday snaps ... paddling and birdwatching are great to do. Beaut to see your photo.
    Shells... we can never have too many of them can we - lovely little memory keepers.
    Enjoy yourselves and come back all relaxed and refreshed. Hugs xx

  17. Love the colours in your scissor keeper. Your Spanish break looks wonderful, thanks for sharing your photographs :)

  18. Just the right place to be at this time of year :-)
    I love the Pansy design, I made the Pansy Needlebook and the Floral Tile in same colours as you; I am using the needlebook all the time, not sure what to do with the tile yet. I am very tempted to get another of Sue's kits...

  19. It looks like you are having a great time! Very jealous of the warmth, as I am currently sat here enjoying rain and wind (although I do think of this as perfect hibernate and stitch weather!) x

  20. Gosh, no heavy coat or hat necessary in sunny Spain! That looks like a lovely, relaxing place to visit. I miss the ocean. Have fun with your stitching, and shell collecting!

  21. Beautiful stitching Lin, love the pretty colours you have chosen. Our weather here in the north (of Spain) has just started to buck up after weeks of dull dark days, but we are very short of rain.


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