Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Partying with The Chookshed and a milestone!

It was fun to join in with Chookyblue for her annual Chookshed birthday party over the weekend. You can catch up with what was happening in the Chookshed here. Many thanks Donna for your invitation and I hope everyone else had fun too.

Unfortunately, a last minute Sunday BBQ lunch plan due to surprisingly good weather, meant that I did not have as much sewing time as I had hoped. It was our first opportunity to entertain outside this year so apart from all the food prep the terrasse needed a good clean as did all the furniture. However, I did manage to get a big job done and dusted over Friday and Saturday evening so that was great.

Having finished last week adding the facing hexies to my swap hexie tablecloth, I was able on Friday afternoon to get it layered up with some backing fabric and pinned in place. For some reason I do not have a photograph of this but never mind. After two evenings hemming, the facing hexies were all stitched in place and now the tablecloth is ready to quilt.

On the subject of quilting, I have been pondering how to go about this all the time that I have been putting this top together and have not been able to come up with a plan. I don't want an allover pattern as I don't want to lose the definition of the flowers. My big hexagon quilt is quilted around the outside of each flower but I have never really been happy with that and of course it is not suitable to ditch quilt because of the opened out seams.
So, I have decided to tie it, or knotting as Averil Colby called it in her Patchwork book. I am going to use a yellow perle thread and knot the centre of each flower first of all and then see if I feel it needs anymore. As I have not used any batting it is not a matter of keeping the batting in place.

The BBQ by the way was a great success!

Yesterday the patchwork ladies came for the afternoon and great progress is being made on their sampler quilts.

All the blocks are completed on the yellow quilt to the right - it just needs the rest of its sashing and a border. One of our group lives in UK and her version is coming along very nicely too.

Hopefully we will get all five finished quilts together for a photoshoot later in the summer.

The wind is building up here and it is very sultry - storms coming our way overnight!

Oh yes, the milestone. This is my 400th post!

Hope you are having a good week.


  1. The gold and blue is lovely, and I agree, it probably won't need much more than knots in the centre of the flowers.

  2. Fabulous projects.Hard to pick my best fav

  3. Knotting it in each centre is a good idea. Love the blue & yellow of your quilt. The samplers are looking lovely. Hugs,xx

  4. Wow...400th posts, congratulations to you Lin! Love your blue and yellow hexie pretty. I think knotting the middle of each flower would be lovely. How fun to get together with ladies and enjoy stitching and conversation. The sampler quilts are looking fabulous.

  5. such a pretty quilt... I do love yellow and blue together.... all the samplers look great and its fun sewing with others... well done on 400 posts.... the time goes doesn't it?

  6. Congratulations on your 400th post. Your hexies look wonderful, I hope the quilting works out for you. The sampler quilts all look wonderful too. Got to take advantage of the good weather when it happens.

  7. Congratulations on your 400th post. I always look forward to my visits. Your hexies are just lovely. Well done on the sampler quilts xx

  8. Congratulations on 400 posts..
    Beautiful the yellow and blue hexie quilt and centre knots will look great.
    Lovely samplers..

  9. Well done on 400 posts! I see you started in 2012 - it's a long time blogging when you think about it, and how much history is in all these (all of ours) posts?! Your hexagon table topper is gorgeous!! The yellow and blue is such a lovely colour combination. Tying sounds like a good plan for finishing it off. The sampler quilts look really good , too.

  10. Oh, surprise, surprise! Blogger is going to let me comment today! It has been the most random thing, all winter. Very discouraging and most frustrating. Anyway, I so enjoyed reading your post this morning with my morning coffee. It has given me so much inspiration and motivation, I can’t wait to shower, dress, and get to work on my own projects. I’m loving your hexie tablecloth, and am reminded That I have a large section of hexies sewn together, somewhere! Now I feel challenged to unearth that basket and either continue building hexies or so something with what I have. Hope your enjoying your day! XO

  11. Congrats on your 400th post! Love your hexies but I am unsure how you finished it off. Finishing EPP projects always confuses me.

  12. Firstly, congratulations on your anniversary! Well done and lets continue!
    I will be interested in your progress re your lovely tablecloth; I have never used the tie method myself, so it will nice to see how you'll get on.
    It seems that the storm you had is heading our way tomorrow, it looks like you decided to travel with it ;-)

  13. Such a lovely quilt Lin, beautiful hexies and congrats on your 400 posts - amazing.

  14. Your tablecloth is looking great. I look forward to seeing what you decide to do to quilt it x


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