Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Where have I been?

Well, nowhere really it's just that there has been a lot of secret stitching going on, so not a lot to post about!

However, time for a bit of a catch up. First up is this little lavender sachet which I enjoyed playing with. Hand dyed recycled fabrics and hand dyed threads.

I needed a boxy bag and had not made one before. I found this tutorial by Pink Stitches which worked perfectly for me. I shall be making more of these.

I dyed some fabric at the weekend for the next round of my 1797 Revisited quilt and have made good progress - one side added, another to do. There is football tonight so I should be able to get plenty done.

Starting to think about the colour for the next round now.

A couple of weeks ago I started another little watercolour but soon had to put it away to concentrate on the SS. When I pulled it out of the drawer to work on again I was surprised at how nice it looked - well to me anyway!

It is now finished and I am not so happy with it. But it was not meant to be a masterpiece, more about learning to use the paints and so from that point I have learnt a few lessons

I am mostly happy with the flowers except in a couple of places where I learnt what colours don't layer well! And I am not happy with the background which looks a bit lighter in this photograph than it is. Backgrounds need to be worked on I feel. I plan to cut it down a bit so those legs don't dangle in mid air and pop it into my journal with a few notes about where I feel I went wrong.

Now though I NEED to finish my advent calendar as eeek, it is the 1st on Sunday!

Nearly there. I have been looking out for a buckle to use as the daily marker but have not been able to find anything the right size. So am going to have to try and make something! Watch this space.

Thanks for popping in, see you again soon.


  1. I can see that you had fun with your lovely lavender bag :-)
    Nice advent calendar, I haven't seen one like that before.
    I don't know much about watercolour, yours is so much better than anything I would produce, but the fact that you are not happy with it and want to improve is probably a good sign, although we are usually the worst critics of our own work. Does that make sense?

  2. Staining colours tend to stay put when you layer them; "lifting" colours don't. In either case, it has to be properly dry to layer properly. If it isn't properly dry, the new colour might very well push the early one out of the way!

    But I do like your flowers!

  3. Lots of lovely things happening at your place Lin, 1797 is looking wonderful, and the lavender sachet is beautiful. I know nothing about painting, yours looks great to me!!

  4. Hello Lin, lots of interesting things you are working on.... maybe you should put your painting back in the drawer and bring it out again in a few weeks... I think it looks just lovely and you are being hard on yourself! haha.... we all tend to do that I think and I do know the feeling of wanting to get it the way you want it.
    The heart lavender sachet is lovely... so much detail and I am enjoying seeing the different colours on the quilt....
    Looking forward to seeing your home made buckle...

  5. Hi Lin ,oh i love your heart sachet its so pretty.
    Your new boxy bag will come in handy what a lovely project.
    Your 1797 is coming along nicely.
    Oh boy your water colour is so beautiful,i love the colours you are so talented Lin,well done on all your beautiful work xx

  6. Beautiful heart and 1797 is looking good! Love your watercolor. I struggle with backgrounds too. I hedge my best and often do them first so if I wreck it the main feature isn't ruined. I think you did a great job. Journals are such great resources and it's so worthwhile to have a record of our progress..especially when you are trying a different medium. Adore your advent calendar xx

  7. I so love to come here. There's always wonderful projects being done and not just sewing, although I am totally in love with your lavender sachet. Your watercolor flowers are very beautiful to me. I don't know what you did wrong but I am no expect in the matter so I just find it wonderful. Have you tried a belt buckle from a second-hand store or thrift store? Good luck with finishing that project. ;^)

  8. I think your watercolour painting is lovely. Your little heart is so pretty and your little bag is a wonderful shape. Your Advent project has me fascinated, Lin; love the pretty stitching on it. As always I love to visit your place and see what pretties you have been stitching. Your hexies are looking fabulous.

  9. Your heart sachet is SO pretty. Your stitches and ribbons are lovely. Your boxy bag is great. I have not tried that style of pouch yet. I like your fabric choice. Your watercolor is very pretty. I know that I would struggle to do that much. So I’m thoroughly impressed with your progress with your lessons. I think your advent calendar is a very cool holiday decoration. If you make your own belt thingy, you can always change it later if you aren’t happy with it. I can’t believe it is nearly December 1st. How does this happen so fast!

  10. Hello Lin, that's such a pretty lavender bag - love those colours and all the little details on it.
    The shape of the boxy bag would be very useful.
    I love your watercolour and, yes, doesn't it change your thoughts about a painting (probably even stitchery too I'm guessing) when we see it with fresh eyes. You've a real feel for painting and I really enjoy seeing yours... its beautiful xx

  11. Well, I think that your painted flowers are lovely! And as usual, your embroidery and bags are creative and unique. It looks like you are having a lot of fun!

    Happy stitching,

  12. Beautiful makes, Lin!
    Love them all!
    Barbara xx


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