Saturday, 21 March 2020

FNSI for March

Greetings from lockdown France! So especially nice to able to sew virtually with all my lovely blogging friends. Thank you Wendy for getting us together - you can see who took part here on Wendy's blog.

I spent the first part of my afternoon working in my sketchbook on this 'lifted out' drawing

With this tecnique you cover the page with graphite and then use an eraser to remove the lighter parts of the picture. I enjoyed doing this much more than I expected! and am happy with the result.

Then on to a little secret stitching - sorry, not even the tiniest sneak peek!

In the evening I finished appliqueing these sheep for my Red Manor House BOM.

 and as soon as this is posted I shall be getting out my machine and adding them to these doves, pots and arrows to make a border.

I ventured out to the supermarket on Thursday morning complete with signed and dated form stating why I was out and about. I went to two supermarkets. Neither was busy, busy. Both were well stocked apart from the inevitable toilet paper lol!

So, as it has been a beautiful warm sunny week here we have been busy in the garden catching up with digging and cutting back. The daffodils have almost finished and the tulips are opening up - it's lovely to see their splashes of bright colour.

Stay safe and well everyone and keep stitching.


  1. Interesting drawing technique. I've never tried that but you did a great job with it. I guess you need a "sharp" eraser.
    Looking forward to see what all those beautiful appliques will become. Stay safe. ;^)

  2. I love checking in with you and your applique blocks. I love them. We are self isolating as we are in the at risk category...old! Thankful to have lots to keep us busy here on the property and the snow is disappearing. I've just done an on line grocery order for us to pick up next week. So far we are not running out of anything. How nice to see some spring blooms, cheering for sure. Greetings from me!

  3. Making good progress at least. We have plenty of time on our hands...

  4. Some very pretty blocks happening at your place.

  5. We're not locked down yet, but I'm sure it will come. It's good to see that you are so positive and able to get on and achieve things. Your applique looks lovely. Be well.

  6. wonderful applique blocks and great art.. I haven't heard of it being done that way.... sounds quite tricky. Take care...

  7. Interesting drawing technique Lin, it looks wonderful. Love your blocks. We are not in lock down yet either but it might come. Who gives you the permission to go to the supermarket?

  8. I like your blocks! I'm also curious about who gives you permission to go to the grocery store. So far things are pretty calm here in Shizuoka Japan. Waiting to hear what will happen with the Olympics.

  9. Beautifully appliqued. I look forward to seeing this one done. I hope to be brave enough to make an appliqued quilt one of these days.

  10. The humble eraser can be such fun.....Love it! Thank goodness for our sketch books as well as our stitching! I love your applique blocks. It is progressing into,such a lovely quilt. Stay well xx

  11. Oh wow, do you really have to have a signed and dated piece of paper declaring why you have gone to shop for groceries. These times we find ourselves are bizarre. Love your clever you are! And as for all those sweet blocks, these are going to look lovely in a quilt.

  12. Interesting technic with your drawing!
    Lots of different blocks you are working too.

  13. great idea on the drawing piece - love your dotty blocks. Australia is not in lock down - yet - but we will wait & see. To defer the football matches is pretty dire for the Aussies!
    Happy Spring to you..of course we are heading to Autumn - but where I live Autumn is lovely - as is Winter!

  14. Your drawing is beautiful!!!! Keep uo the good work on Red Manor House. Its looking good. I particularly like the blue birds.

  15. Ooo that's an interesting drawing technique. The blocks look great - I love the material you have used for the sheep. I hope you are keeping safe and well x

  16. I’d like to know who signs the form too! Would that be the mayor? I remember my husband’s cousin, when he lived in France, said nothing was done without the mayor’s say so.
    Love that drawing technique, you do it so well too!
    Great progress with your stitching.
    Take care and stay well!
    Barbara xx

  17. Ohhh... I LoVe the final block pic. Wonderful colours & design.
    Stay away & stay safe...xox


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