Saturday, 7 March 2020

Friday Night with Friends

Lovely to join in with everyone once again - thank you Cheryll for getting us all together again. You can see who joined in here.

It was a busy day with shopping and the  market in the morning. Then our WDP service in the afternoon. For me it will always be the Womens World Day of  Prayer service but I suppose times must change. Our prayers for the women of Zimbabwe will be appreciated whatever the name of the service I know.

So it was the evening before I was able to get to any sewing, and I needed to get my swap hexies made for the month. A result.

We will have been home from Spain a week tomorrow, Sunday. And apart from today, it has rained every day! Yesterday the river flooded and all the way along to Riberac the fields are flooded. The water is still there today. Tomorrow we are expecting more rain.

So, plenty of time indoors to finish my crochet sampler blanket.

I added an Indalo to a black section on the blanket in cross stitch to indicate that I had worked most of the blanket in Almeria. The corners are a bit too full but then this was a learing experience and I shall know what not to do next time. Overall I am very happy with the border and I managed to use most of the yarn I had in those colours.This was a great holiday project over two years.

There is a new Janie Crow crochet pattern about to be released which I have fallen in love with! It is called The Fruit Garden and is based on the embroideries of May Morris. But, I have promised myself that the next crochet project I do will use my stash. Watch this space!


  1. What a gloriously beautiful pretty your crochet sampler blanket is, Lin. Each little square is delightful. You must have such pride in seeing it all finished in its beauty. How fun, a hexie swap. I like the thought of hexie flowers winging their way to the four corners of the globe.

  2. Your blanket is lovely. Someone will enjoy cuddling under it.

  3. Love your hexies Lin and your crochet sampler is beautiful.


  4. The hexies are so pretty Lin and your crochet sampler is beautiful. Thanks for the info about the Indalo. The new CAL looks lovely too.
    hope it has stopped raining!

  5. What a gorgeous crocheted blanket! And your hexagon flowers are very cute.

  6. Very pretty hexies for your swap. Your crocheted blanket is gorgeous...well done! It's hard to resist all these pretties we see. Hope the rain is needed....keep your boots dry xx

  7. Prayers for all at any time are appreciated I'm sure.... everyone needs them.... I do love your crochet blanket.. it's come up really striking...

  8. Pretty blue hexies. Your blanket is just gorgeous.

  9. Lovely blue swap Hexies...
    The crochet blanket a is beautiful finish...

  10. Your crocheted blanket is absolutely beautiful. I really love how the black makesi everything pop. Hmmm I need to look at that new one even though I still have one to complete.Loooove those hexies.

  11. That afghan is glorious!!!!

  12. Oh, what a shame to have floods in Spain! Not something I would think about, but I suppose it will be nice to get back home :-)
    Your blanket looks gorgeous! Yes, there is always another project to start ;-)
    The Fruit Garden looks lovely,

  13. Lin, your sampler blanket looks so wonderful. I love also how unique it looks. I find it fascinating to look at with such a variety of design, color and patterns. I had a peek at the fruit garden. Wow, that is an incredible gorgeous blanket. I really love the open (cutwork as we would say in sewing) areas in that pattern.

  14. The energy of prayers always go through no matter what title we, humans, give to the gathering. Bless you for being part of it. Your blanket is adorable. A wonderful work in color and stitches. Congrats on this beautiful finish. ;^)

  15. I was a bit disconcerted by the name change as well, but it was a thoughtful service, all the same.

    Well done on the blanket - it's turned out beautifully!

  16. I love your blanket Lin - lovely that it was a project that you worked on while on holiday so it will make you smile when you see and use it. Cute swap hexies. Oh and I love the CAL you are looking at...hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have see that..... Hope your rain stops soon (and heads over our way!)

  17. Lin, your blanket is stunning!

  18. Oh your crochet blanket is just stunning Lin! I adore it! How clever you are - I rather love your hexies too. Thanks so much for the lovely comments you left me on my blog. I did reply to them but the emails kept coming back to me so I popped over here & what a lovely blog you have. Julie xx

  19. Such a wonderful blanket! I love the mix of colours and techniques on it x


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