Saturday, 16 May 2020

FNSI for May

Having cut the binding and flange for my Super Scrappy quilt, my plan for Friday was to get the binding machined on and as much of the hand sewing done as possible. However, having added most of the flange on Thursday I discovered I had miscalculated the length of binding needed! So first thing Friday I made another flange strip to add to what I had, and finished machining that in place.

I went through my binding box earlier in the week and pulled out all the odd leftover lengths of binding I had been saving for a rainy day and was surprised to find that I had, what I thought was, just the right amount. Anyway, knowing I would not have enough I machined what I had in place so that I could work out how much more I needed to make.

It's about 40". Anyway, at this point the garden called. Does anyone else have a collection of plastic flower pots saved from purchased plants with the idea that they will 'come in handy one day'? I had a good clear out of my potting corner and filled three large compost bags to go to the tip - and I still have lots left. Seemd such a waste but what to do.

Anyway, when I sat down in the evening I started sewing down the binding that I had machined and managed to get two sides of the quilt done. Am pleased with how the flange is looking with the scrappiness either side.

We had a wet, cold start to the week but the weather is starting to pick up now and the sunshine is back. The garden is growing at a rapid rate!

More secret sewing this week and I made my swap hexies for the month.

We are back to six day a week postal deliveries and I was pleased to see this in the postbox this morning.

It was not due to be delivered until Tuesday! I am so looking forward to curling up with this for a good browse. I am planning a new lap quilt so am looking for inspiration.

Many thanks to Wendy for getting us together again this week - you can see who else joined in here.

Have a good week.


  1. I haven't try a flange yet. I'll have to google some tuts to know how it works. It makes a cute finish. Around here, some garden centers will take back their plastic flower pots if they aren't cracked of course. Lovely little hexi flowers. ;^)

  2. I like the flange looks like a corded edging. I love scrap anything. Hexies are another favorite! What fun to be in a swap for them. Your book looks good. Books add so much inspiration!

  3. The garden centre near us will take the pots back and reuse or recycle them, although maybe not this year. We can also put them n our regular recycling.

    And yes, I was clearing some stuff out, awhile ago and found over 100 of the pots.

  4. The garden's call must have been very sirenlike to be heard over all those lovely fabrics!

  5. I have yet to do a flange - it looks great. Pretty hexies.

  6. Lovely finish on your quilt!
    I had to smile about your pots; we had a good clear out last autumn, but this spring I was scrambling for some to pot on plant plugs arriving in the post; eventually our daughter brought some from their shed, when she came with our shopping - that was were we unloaded them to in the autumn!
    We are back to nice weather, after a cold spell and frosty nights, and it looks like it is going to warm up more, so it is back outside! :-)

  7. Hi Lin yes i love a flan edge too,i think they look great.I love your hexie flower so pretty,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  8. Love how your finished your quilt. I too had lots of those little pots stored & there was so many. Last year our council did kerbside collection so i put them out there so i didn't fill my bin up with them. when we have those kerbside collections people will come look through them before the council collects the rubbish so a lot of my pots went. So they went to be useful after all rather than into the dump. Hugs, xx

  9. Lovely work ,the flange looks great !

  10. Love your scrappy quilt, the flange and scrappy binding look wonderful. Well done on the pot clean out,we give ours to friends who are always potting up bits. We have had a few sunny days and beautiful blue sky's, but it was very cold last night, we had a frost warning.

  11. Your new book looks the perfect thing to curl up with and browse, imagining the new lap quilt you will fashion. Your scrappy quilt is beautiful and the scrappy binding is the perfect finishing touch. I too have much too many plastic pots. Enjoy your garden and the sunshine.

  12. I love your quilt. You must be rather proud. Love your hexies . We keep thise pots and hubby reuses them. Must have been nice receiving such a lovely parcel. I look forward to seeing your progress once you start.

  13. Lovely scrappy quilt with the flange.. Always good to use up the scraps of binding on a scrappy quilt..
    Nice hexies and enjoy browsing through the book.

  14. Lin! Your scrappy quilt looks wonderful! I was hoping to see the whole maybe when you’ve finished with the binding I’ll be able to see it then. You can’t beat getting surprise mail. Have fun browsing through your new inspiration.

  15. I like the way the flange looks with the scrappy binding - great use of your scrappy bits! Oh and I love the rounded corners of your quilt too. Pretty hexagons. Enjoy your new book.

  16. Gosh that quilt is looking gorgeous Lin. I love the fabrics & colours. That is some wonderful mail to receive in the post - our postal services here are taking ages to deliver at the moment.

  17. I do love your scrappy quilt and the binding and flange look great. A very pretty hexie duo. That looks like very happy mail indeed x

  18. Your hexes are so perfect. And that book looks wonderful! What find times you'll have working on new projects.

  19. That sounds like a wonderful week with a bit of gardening, sewing and reading something creative!

    Stay safe,

  20. Those pots do accumulate.
    I love the rounded corners on your quilt and the flange is very effective. Hope you have your binding sorted now.

  21. You're making great progress.
    6 days a week!? We only had 3 days a week before COVID!!

  22. Your quilt looks lovely Lin. The hexagon flowers are very pretty.

  23. That flange binding looks difficult. I haven’t tried that. And yes, I have lots of those plastic pots in our workshop, saved to use “some day.” I see you’re still in the hexie swap. I’m still working on finishing my hexie quilt (also some day.)

  24. I'm loving the Swap Hexies -- so sweet. Way to use up leftover binding pieces for a scrappy finish to a scrappy quilt. Great idea! I usually put my leftover binding pieces in my string box but I'm thinking I should get another bin ready for them instead!

  25. Pretty hexagon flowers.lovely quilt.

  26. Yes I have a pile of pots to use...... One day....
    Great progress on your binding.....


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