Saturday, 13 June 2020

FNwF's June #2

Thanks once again to Cheryll for hosting our Friday night get together. You can see what everyone was working on here

After a nice drive and walk by the river in the morning I sat down after lunch wondering what to do! It's not that I have a shortage of things to do it's just making a decision as to which project to tackle that's the problem! Looking at my list I noticed that I needed to make a postcard to send off to a friend and as I have not made a card for a while I decided that that was the way to go. I decided to make two cards - it's almost as quick and also means I have a spare for another ocasion.

I pulled out a couple of pieces of printed and inked brown paper that I crumpled up then smoothed out a bit before ironing onto some pelmet vilene. I remembered coming across some distessed tyvek motifs recently and actually remembered where I had seen them, so hooked them out and machined them onto the cards then added a few rows of fancy stitching. The backing was machined into place and the cards zig zagged all around. Tadah! One and a half hours of happy play and I have two cards.

In the evening I got out my latest Red Manor BOM block and started sewing. Not a huge amount done due to several things of interest on TV! It is my fourth block and as I am aiming for two a week I am right on schedule.

It's a windy day here with the odd sprinkling of rain - at least it has warmed up a little bit - it has been distictly chilly for the last few days and I had to dig out some socks!

Have a great weekend.


  1. The post cards are gorgeous! Well done on keeping up with the BOM.

  2. Lovely post cards and you also make some pretty blocks....

  3. What pretty postcards! So soft & pastel and the quilting is beautiful. Those Red Manor House blocks always catch my eye too. Have a great weekend!

  4. Lin what pretty postcards! I have received a few DIY postcards and it definitely puts a smile on one's face to receive them.

  5. haha, you sound a bit like me pondering what to do next!!! the hazards of creativity???? I love your cards... you are always so artistic and imaginative with them and Red Manor is looking great.... each block is progress towards it...

  6. Your postcards are wonderful, and you are doing well with your applique blocks, they look pretty. Good night when you get distracted by the tv.

  7. Your post reminds me that I have some tyvek "somewhere" in my studio, for a project that needs to be finished, and I can understand the dilemma in just which project to work on, because there are many!

  8. Your cards are very pretty and your Red Manor blocks are gorgeous. Well done.
    Thanks for stopping in for FNwF again too...xox

  9. Your postcards are lovely. The red manor blocks are gorgeous. Hugs, xx

  10. Nice work on the postcards. Pretty blocks.

  11. I love your applique project. I look forward to seeing it sewn down.

  12. Love your Red Manor blocks.

  13. How clever are you ! Those postcards are so lovely. Your appliques are coming along nicely.

  14. Hi Lin beautiful work my friend I love your 2 cards ,the fabrics are beautiful and I love your blocks they are so pretty well done xx

  15. I like all your Red Manor blocks, a really nice project.
    The cards are very nice too, it is nice to see your experiments,

  16. I think many of us are in the same quandary. Making postcards was a great choice and they came out beautifully. Your blocks are coming out nicely, too! Keep up the good work!

  17. So lovely to think of you having "two hours of happy play"!

    As for weather - we had some spectacular sheet lightning last night...!

  18. Hello Lin. Your Red Manor BOM is a delight. Happy Sewing!

  19. Your happy playing has turned into such lovely cards. How delightful your Red Manor BOM blocks are. It can be stressful deciding on what to create, choosing from all the projects one has on hand, can't it. =)

  20. Awww! Your cards are such a delight!
    Love your description of “two happy hours of play”. Only yesterday I was making a greetings card for a friend, not stitched, but I think I must have played happily for two hours too! Wish I’d thought to take a photo!!!! Duh!
    I really wouldn’t know how to start to make your cards despite your description but it is something I’d love to do! Do you send them trough the post like that? Are they paper or fabric?
    Forgive my ignorance.
    Barbara xx


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