Saturday, 17 October 2020

FNSI October

 Many thanks to Wendy for organising our Friday get together again. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else was working on.

I started in the afternoon working on some secret stitching - here is a little glimpse. Ready now to move onto the next stage.

Then in the evening I worked on the quilting of my Red Manor House. The first section of this border is finished and I have now moved the hoop on to the next section. Here is the first section with is markings removed.

In other news I have completed my swap hexies for the month and they are somewhere in the postal system. Otherwise, the secret stitching has taken up most of my time this week.

We are having a few nice sunny days at the moment and it is good to get outside to rake a few leaves or just enjoy wandering round. I picked up lots of walnuts last weekend but had to throw at least half away as they had been infested or were just dried out or mouldy inside. The pomegranates are looking good though.

Have a good week.


  1. Oh I love the leaves in your blog header - and they match your hexies!
    The weather here is pleasant at the moment too but getting hot.

  2. The secret sewing looks so cute. Love the hexi flowers too. Enjoy the last few wonderful days outdoor. ;^)

  3. Your hexie secret sewing is so pretty. It is always a joy to see a hexie or two. Your Red Manor House quilting is coming along nicely, too. Make the most of your days spent outside.

  4. Yo do such lovely hand work.

  5. Lovely glimpses of your work Lin, shame about the walnuts. Always good to spend time in the garden.

  6. Lovely work... I'm intrigued with the first hexagons awith all their stitching....
    We have a pomegranate tree... so far it has not had any fruit but its not dead and it is growing!

  7. Your secret stitching looks lovely with such beautiful interesting quilting. Love your Manor House quilting. Mmmmm pomygranites! Yum!

  8. How lovely your secret stitching looks already and Red Manor is coming along nicely. Our weather is cooling off some now.....still haven't turned the heater on but AC not coming on so much anymore and days are definitely getting shorter.....

  9. I've never seen pomegranates growing. Thank you for that picture.

  10. Chilly here and threatening rain. I shall have to delight in your sunshine instead!

  11. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished secret sewing project. And your quilting project looks wonderful. Have a good day!

  12. Hi Lin I love seeing the beautiful work you are doing,well done and what a shame about the walnuts,take care my friend xx

  13. Pretty colours of your secret stitching and nice work on your Manor House quilting,

  14. I agree with Susan....beautiful autumn foliage. Manor House quilting is so lovely! Hard to believe its secret sewing time again. Pretty hexies too xx

  15. I love your secret stitching, it looks very pretty!
    Terrible news about the walnuts! We haven’t been anywhere to find walnuts this year. There is one tree close by which didn’t have any walnuts beneath it but we thought it was just that others had picked them up, but thinking now there was no sign of shells either! Very worrying!
    Nice to see the pomegranates, I’d never seen them growing before either!
    Barbara xx

  16. Your pomegranates look good; I tried to grow a bush here (I try anything!), but no go - of course ;-)

  17. Lin - you just go to town with getting thing done. I love the pink hexie project you are working on. I love the little hexies and the little pink stitches. It's super cool.

  18. I have to admire the hand stitching you do, even though it is not on my bucket list!!

  19. Nice joining you for FNWF your sweet hexies.....Red Manor is looking better and better....


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