Saturday, 9 January 2021

Friday Night with Friends

 Many thanks to Cheryll for getting us together again for our first Friday in 2021.

My day started with a walk around the garden - it was frosty and sunny, just perfect for a photograph or two, or three, or.....

During the afternoon I was able to spend some time playing in my sketchbooks - having collected a few nice bird pictures I found homes for them and splashed a bit of paint around.

I spent the rest of my time by the fire, quilting on my Red Manor House - it's coming along, slowly!

I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else was working on here on Cherylls blog.


  1. A lovely day all in all! Good for you!

  2. Beautiful day for a walk. Looks like the picture at the top of my blog header. Looking forward to seeing the progress on your Red Manor. Have a great week, Lin!

  3. Love the frosty photos. Hugs, xx

  4. Gorgeous pics Lin...
    Lovely to have your company while stitching at FNwF too...xox

  5. Gorgeous frosty photo's..... keep warm and keep safe...

  6. Beautiful frosty photos, like what you are doing in your journals.

  7. The frost is enchanting! Gorgeous photos.

  8. Lovely to see your wonderful photos Lin. Fun sketchbook pages as well. Quilting by the fire sounds cosy and delightful x

  9. Frost edging leaves is such a lovely sight - if one is well wrapped! Good, too, to spend time curled up in the warm with an absorbing project.....

  10. I like your frosty photos - Our mornings have been under zero and frosty too.

  11. Our mornings and sometimes all day are frosty in middle England this week. No lingering snow but a cold north wind. It will be good to see your quilt when it is finished.

  12. It seems you had a really good day. Nice to read about it.

  13. Frosty & sunny - sounds perfect - your paintings are gorgeous.

  14. Lovely "frosty" pictures! And your journals look so nice....

  15. Love all your frosty photos Lin!
    We had a couple of days like that not so long ago, but it’s wet here now!
    Like the journal pages too! You are making me feel like getting out my paints.
    Barbara xx

  16. Your wintry photos of your garden are beautiful. The flowers and plants kissed with frost are truly magical. The journal pages are lovely. It sounds like an excellent idea to sit in front of your fire and quilt your Red Manor House, Lin.

  17. Your wintry photos of your garden are beautiful. The flowers and plants kissed with frost are truly magical. The journal pages are lovely. It sounds like an excellent idea to sit in front of your fire and quilt your Red Manor House, Lin.

  18. Gorgeous frost photos, hard to imagine as we are in the midst of summer and expecting 45 deg C on Sunday!


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