Saturday, 4 December 2021

FNwFs December

 And our last Friday Night With Friends for 2021. Thank you Cheryll for organising our Fridays over the last year. Pop over to Cheryll's blog here to see who else took part and what they were up to.

A busy day here with the market and hairdressers in the morning. Then the afternoon was wet and cold and so I sat by the fire writing Christmas cards. I have made a good inroad into my list but it takes time as many of them need updates on our year. Always lovely to hear from old friends at Christmas though.

 However, I did manage to cut some hexies and start basting them during the evening.

These are for the outer border of Wings and Pretty Things - not that I am anywhere near adding the outer border but I wanted to make sure I had a good selection of fabrics for these before moving on to the applique blocks.

Sunshine and showers here today so after writing a few more cards I think I shall make a start on the first applique block. First though I am off to see what everyone else got up to yesterday evening.


  1. Oh, writing Christmas cards by the fire sounds such a delight. And then a pretty evening of stitching. What could be better.

  2. How cosy, sitting by a warm fire, writing Christmas cards. Those pretty hexies are beginning to form a little pile.

  3. Oh, goodness, I wish I'd had a fire to write the cards beside. I was sat at a picnic table with a rechargeable LED light! Although I do use a fountain pen...

  4. Sounds like a lovely evening, Lin. Always a pleasure to get hexies in order. I need to make a start on my Christmas cards too. Hope your weekend is enjoyable. Sounds like some nice weather anyway.

  5. It's always lovely to have your company whether writing cards or sewing. Thanks for joining in on the 1st Friday & I look forward to your company again in 2022 at FNwF. Merry Xmas xox

  6. I love the hexie fabrics. The weather here has been topsy turvy.

  7. Lovely to sit by your fire and write some Christmas cards…
    Nice to get some of your border prepped.

  8. Oh, Christmas cards... I better do something about ours :-)

  9. I still haven't written my Christmas cards yet, I have been knitting socks. Prepping hexagons is a lovely evening activity.

  10. Well done with the cards.... I only send out a very few these days - have fallen into the generic facebook "Happy Christmas" greeting! as you say though it is lovely when you hear from friends at this time.... those elongated hexagons nearly did me in for Wings - very happy when they were done!


  11. Sounds like a good indoor activity day for you Lin.

  12. I love the tradition of sending (and receiving) cards at Christmas - though we now print off a letter and add it to the card.
    Love my FNWF too - it makes me do "stuff"...

  13. It's such a busy time of year.
    There is no harm in being prepared, you'll be glad you are when you get to that border.

  14. I miss writing and receiving Christmas cards. In Japan, it’s New Year cards.

  15. Your weather mirrors ours! Take extra special care!

  16. Madly waving hello again at last Lin! It's so nice to finally be in a position to be less stressed and able to sit and catch up on some blogs and what you have been doing!


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