Saturday, 23 July 2022

Some new cushions

 Evenings I have been busy sewing together hexagons for my Wings border, and they are going together very nicely.

We decided this week that we needed a couple of extra cushions so I dug out these pieces of bargello canvas work.

They have been sitting in a suitcase for at least 30 years along with a length of brown velvet all ready to be made up. So yesterday afternoon out came the sewing machine and I made them up.

The smaller one was actually a curved piece that had been made for a rocking chair seat so I had to square it up as best I could. We already have four of these cushions which I made many many years ago and which show no sign of wear and tear so I thought a photo of all of them was in order.

Good to finally make those up and I wonder now why it took so long!


  1. Sometimes things just take a while to get around to! The cushions all look fantastic. Love your new header Lin.

  2. Bargello is good and tough, as well as being full of wonderful patterns, isn't it!

  3. Congrats on getting the cushions done. They look great. I love the print and how they look on the chair. Awesome! ;^)

  4. I had to sew a border like that for another project bigger pieces but it's a cool idea......
    The cushions look great together......

  5. We can be so good at procrastinating but well worth finally making up all those lovely cushions.

  6. New cushions! No need to mention how long they were waiting to be started.

  7. Good things take time. Your cushions look great all together there.

  8. I saw Michelle this week and we commented how good your Wings quilt is looking. Love the cushions .... the bargello has kept so well in the box.... great to see it out and where you can enjoy it...

  9. Your cushions look so great on the wicker chair. They are a fun mix of prints. It seems we need to be in a proper mood to get some things sewn that feel like they should have been sewn so long ago. But done now and feelin’ good about it!

  10. Funny how we hold on to stuff for decades and forget about it until something crops up and triggers our memory. The cushions look wonderful. Loving your elongated hexies.

  11. Oh wow! The bargello cushions look amazing, Lin! So much better to have all these lovely patterns out in the open than languishing in suitcases. So much gorgeous hand stitched work has gone into these pretties!

  12. It's funny how we put things off because we don't want to take the time. Then, after we FINALLY get around to it, we wonder why we put it off for so long and it didn't take any time at all! Your cushions are beautiful and will provide a nice soft place for your tush! Ha!


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