Sunday, 28 August 2022

Churndashalong update

 Here we are, nearly at the end of another month, so it's time for a Churn Dash SAL update. And I am pleased to say that the top of my little mini quilt is complete.

I have appliqued some little rosebuds along the top border and am very pleased with how they are looking. I hadn't tried these before but they are very simple and very effective - the tricky bit was pressing the vine and leaves without squashing the buds!

Septembers task will be to get this quilted and to press on with my other churn dash project, the small tablecloth.

Thanks Chooky for organising the stitchalong, just the motivation I needed.


  1. Oh, Lin! The vine and buds look SO pretty! I like the 3-D appearance of them.

  2. The rosebuds are gorgeous! This looks very romantic.

  3. Oh, wow. It just keeps getting more beautiful. Thanks for the eye candy?

  4. Oh my, that is very pretty. Love your rose buds.

  5. very pretty, love the colours

  6. Gosh thats just absolutely beautiful Lin ... just love everything you have done!!!! So pretty!

  7. That is a beautiful project, the buds are so pretty.

  8. Oh boy is that sweet! So feminine and lovely. Love the floral vine at the top all the way down to the hexies at the bottom. Great job, Linn!

  9. Very successful - the rosebuds are delightful!

  10. You did a wonderful job...
    the rosebuds and leaves are beautiful.
    Many greetings to you.

  11. Your wallhanging is beautiful! Happy stitching!

  12. Woops hit send to early.
    The blocks look great in that wall hanging you have designed a lovely project.........

  13. Your rose buds are gorgous, a lovely project.....

  14. LIn, that is looking so pretty

  15. This is such a pretty quilt, Lin, so sweet, I love the rosebuds, great idea!


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