Saturday, 13 August 2022

RSC 22 August update

 And it is a ta-dah! moment as I have now completed all the dancing mini Dresdens/Hexadens around the border of my flimsy.

The final two Dresdens were added this week - the two brown ones up from bottom right.

Now for the next four months of the year I shall be working on some 5" rainbow Dresdens to go in each corner - one for each month which is very convenient and also means I shall have a completed flimsy by the end of the year ready to start again next year! Yes, I have plans.......

Anyway, papers and template on order from Sew & Quilt so I shall be all ready to start on September 1st.

I am linking up with Angela  for Scrap Happy Saturday

Have a great weekend


  1. This is so beautiful. Wow! ;^)

  2. That's so pretty! I love your rainbow of Dresden flowers!

  3. Lovely project! Looking forward to seeing those rainbow Dresdens!!

  4. It is looking very good. And plans are good too. I keep falling behind in mine.

  5. Nice job, Lin. The end is in sight! Always a joy to be nearing completion.

  6. That looks just absolutely beautiful Lin ... you must feel so pleased with how its looking. xx

  7. that looks so good Lin, it's amazing to me how you can think of putting that together in your head.... gorgeous...

  8. This is gorgeous! Well done.

  9. well done - I like the look of a hexadon

  10. Well done Lin, it looks wonderful

  11. Looking lovely - positively joyful!

  12. Woohooo! Not far to go now. It looks wonderful.

  13. Very pretty! It sounds like you have a plan and you're sticking to it.


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