Saturday, 8 October 2022

Friday Night with Friends

 A very profitable FNwFs for me as I ticked several jobs off my list. Having both of us returned from our travels with covid we are confined to home and I can stitch away without any pressure. Fortunately I have only felt like I have a cold although Philip has felt much worse and suffered with a nasty cough and throat. On the mend now fortunately.

So what was I up to - first up I made these pretty swap hexies which will be winging their way down under next time I go out.

Then it was RSC time and I completed the second of my corner rainbow Dresdens.

During the evening I picked up my knitting and completed the back of the heel and the turn on this sock.

Feeling very pleased with myself as I have managed to match the colour change perfectly with the first sock!

Many thanks to Cheryll for getting us together - pop over here to see who else took part and what they got up to.

Still working on all the pictures I took while we were away but will do a holiday post soon.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Glad to hear your Covid bout was mild, Lin. Hope your hubby mends soon. Very impressed with your sock knitting!!

  2. Lovely projects. I really like the socks.

  3. Oh, what a shame, it looked like a lovely trip on your Instagram.

  4. Not a good way to end your travels. A very productive FNwF.

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon. Those socks are going to be very bright and colourful. You had a great Friday night.

  6. Sorry to hear you returned with covid, I hope you are both feeling better soon. As you say Lin perfect time for you to sit, sew and knit as you recover. Lovely epp and well done with the sock!

  7. Everything you are working on looks great Lin ... wish I could knit socks. I hope you & your hubby recover soon from the Covid bout. Take care. xx

  8. Sorry you caught Covid and hope you both recover quickly without any ongoing problems.
    Love your hexie flowers and Dresden. Love your rainbow socks.

  9. Sorry to hear about the covid diagnosis after your travels. Looks like you had a very productive evening. The hexie blocks are so cute!

  10. A very productive evening. I hope the covid is mild, soon over, and no lasting effects!

  11. very pretty hexies - Love the dresden flower.. Congrats on getting the colour match!
    & glad you aren't too sick to sew.

  12. Sorry for being late... but nice to have your company at FNwF...xox

  13. Drats on the Covid! Glad you didn't get too sick and that Philip is on the mend. Your little pink hexie flowers are adorable. They look so spring-like. Happy stitching.

  14. So sorry you picked up that horrible virus! Will we ever be free of it! Very sweet hexie flowers and rainbow Dresden. Your sock is amazing...I am in awe xx

  15. Hi Lin, sorry you have had to deal with Covid but wonderful that it wasn't too bad for you. Love your hexies and Dresdens are a favourite of mine. I wish I knew how to knit seems like such a practical and great thing to be able to do.

  16. You have some lovely hand work there!


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