Sunday, 5 May 2024

Friday Night with Friends May

 And I am late on parade! But have enjoyed catching up with everyone else.

Not a lot of sewing happened here on Friday - just my Stitch Journal for the day. So this month we are 'pretty in pink' and I have enjoyed pulling out a few threads to work with. It seems that for some reason I have a vast amount of pink threads and I don't know why as it is not a favourite colour. Anyway, here we are so far this month.

And here is my finished page for April.

It was lovely to have a visit from my niece and great niece on Friday to help celebrate my birthday - and many thanks to all of you who sent me birthday wishes.

We had a lovely lunch out with of course yummy dessert! Lemon posset.

And a photo for posterity - we don't get to meet up that often.

Earlier in the week I finished quilting the first two borders on Wings

and I have now marked and started quilting the wide applique border. Looking good - photo later. I should get plenty done as my patchwork group has an open day on Tuesday so I should be able to settle down for a good session.

Meanwhile, more celebrations tomorrow and we have a public holiday so there is a car boot sale to visit.

Have a great week.


  1. Happy birthday Lin! It was nice of your niece and great-niece to stop by. That dessert looks yummy!

  2. Happy belated birthday Lin! Judging by the smiles in that pictures, it was a lovely day enjoyed by everyone. Happy stitching! ;^)

  3. That's is a lovely picture from your birthday lunch. Birthdays should actually be celebrated as Birth Weeks! Multiple celebrations are required.

  4. Happy birthday Lin....lovely photo of you and your family. LOVING your stitch journal. The pinks are off to a great start. Wings is looking good too. Hope you found some car boot treasures xx

  5. It sounds as if your birthday is filled with wonderful celebrations. Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Lin! Lemon posset sounds delicious. Such lovely quilting on Wings.

  6. your yummy dessert looks so good and your niece and great niece are so pretty it is always so nice to see family - your embroidery is pretty

  7. You're going to be busy. Enjoy quilting, such a pretty piece.

  8. lots happening... At least pink has a good assortment of shades to choose from.... lovely photograph for you and that dessert looks so good...

  9. Belated Birthday wishes to you Lin - a lovely photo! I love pink - it is one of my favorites so I look forward to seeing this page come to life. Your desert looks so delicious! xx

  10. A lovely family catch up. Gorgeous stitching.

  11. Happy Belated Birthday! You are doing well with the pink threads. I hope you accomplished a lot while at your patchwork group.

  12. Hello, dear Lin, I have a belated but warm birthday greeting to you.
    The photo with your loved ones is wonderful. And the lemon dessert looks delicious.
    I wishes you a lot of fun embroidery and the upcoming celebrations.
    Hug Viola

  13. Happy belated birthday Lin!! Wow, your family smile gene is so obvious in you three girls - beautiful!! Loving the Wings quilt...excited to see it completed. :-)

  14. Nice to catch up with family for your Birthday.
    Great work on your stitching.
    Enjoy quilting the Wings

  15. A belated Happy Birthday! I think we end up with lots of colours we don't like because we acquire bundles for something else in them and never use the colours we're not keen on..

  16. Darn, I missed your birthday but good wishes nonetheless. Glad you got to spend some time with family and, good for you!, to manage a photo! Lovely stitching projects. So many different stitches with variations.

  17. Happy belated birthday...... Sounds like a lovely day with family......

  18. Lin, are you hand quilting "wings"? It is just so lovely. I love your color style so much. Love the happy photo of you as well.


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