Monday, 26 November 2012

Christmas is coming!

Having cooked my puddings ( and finished quilting my geese, but more about that later) it was time to get on with my Christmas cards.
The French are not really into Christmas cards! You can buy a postcard type of card - not double fold like ours - but they are not very exciting and are more likely to be sent for New Year, well at least in this neck of the woods!
So, unless we have been in the UK for Christmas when it is possible to buy cards for the following year in the sales, I make my own. Printing is quick and (I think) stylish but I have, in the past, also made small machine embroidered panels to stick onto the cards.
This year I am using a Thermofax print of holly, printed in black and gold with a 'Joyeaux Noel' stamp.

Here they all are drying out before they get their JN stamp. A good afternoons work!



  1. Hi Lin wow you have been busy. Will you add colour or leave them as is. :)

  2. They look simply elegant too.

    F x

  3. Wonderful cards and so many! A good afternoons work for sure!


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