Monday, 3 December 2012

I've been tagged!

Just clicked on to made by ChrissieD and read all about the 11-11-11-11 game that she has been tagged in whereby she has to answer 11 questions asked by the person who tagged her, tell 11 things about herself and tag 11 people asking them 11 questions. To my surprise, when I got to the bottom I discovered that she had tagged me!

So here are 11 things about me -
I was born in North London, England
I am a Christian
I live in France but have also lived in Rome, Italy, otherwise in UK.
I have always loved sewing
but I trained as a window dresser
most of my working life was spent in retail with some accounts work along the way
I have a niece who lives in Ghana and another in New Zealand
We have a large garden and a small house
I enjoy cooking and entertaining
I love walking
I have been following 'The Archers' for 26 years

Here are the 11 questions that she asked-
1. Are you in a Quiltd Guild and if so tell us about it.
I am a member of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles, I joined in 1979 and am a Founder Member. The quarterly magazine 'The Quilter' is a lifeline to P&Q in the UK and especially was during the 80's when I lived in Rome.
2.What's the longest you have lived somewhere and where was it?
I have been living here in the Dordogne for 17 years
3. What's your favourite item that you have ever made and why?
This has to be the quilt that I made in 1985, a white wholecloth using Sashiko designs. All hand quilted. It is on my bed every night!

4. What books do you have by your bed?
A bible and the book I am reading which at the moment is 'Every Vow You Break' by Julia Crouch.
5. What do your friends and family think about your quilting?
Very appreciative of things that come their way.
6. Where are you spending Christmas Day this year and who with?
I shall be in Taunton with my husbands family, most especially his delightful three year old grand daughter Emily!
7. When did you buy your first sewing machine?
It was a gift from my parents on my 18th birthday.
8. Why did you start blogging?
There was an article this summer in 'The Quilter' by Alison at Little Island Quilting about blogging and I thought it sounded like a good way to meet other quilters and textile artists
9. Who is your favourite actor/actress and what's the best role you have seen them in?
This is a close run thing between Maggie Smith and Katherine Hepburn but 'The African Queen' has to win!
10. How/where do you store your fabric?
With space here at a premium, any cupboard or wardrobe where I can squeeze it in.
11. What's the best hairstyle you have ever had and why?
When I was in my teens I had a Mary Quant - very short at the back and long at the front. I felt very grown up!

Now, the people that I am tagging are as follows - I will not be emailing you as I do not want this to be like a chain letter, and nothing dire will happen if you do not take part!

A Legacy of Stitches
Living the Dream
Hibiscus Stitches
Maisie and the Boys
Teaching Myself Patchwork
Sew Susan
Batik Quilt
Journey of a Quilter
Art Textile
Gloria's Blog

And my questions for you are -
1. What was your first patchwork project?
2. What is your favourite technique?
3. Why do you live where you live now?
4. What is your favourite passtime after sewing (if there is such a thing)?
5. What is your favourite novel?
6. Who is your favourite artist?
7. If you could have a holiday anywhere in the worldwhere where would you choose to go?
8. Have you learnt something new recently?
9.What do you most enjoy cooking?
10.What was your first job?
11.Who would you most like to invite to supper?

I look forward to reading your answers and hope you will all take part.
Have a great week.

Lin xx


  1. Hi Lin,

    I've already done it, but thanks for the thought.

    Me too re The Archers! I looked like Edvard Munch's painting "the Scream" when Nigel fell off the roof, and I'm only just getting over the trauma of Sid and Jolene in the shower.

    F x

    1. Have just been back to your blog and your eleven post - not sure how I missed it but I did!
      I found it interesting to do - hope some more of my bloggers do too.

  2. lovely finding out some things about you. thankyou for the tag, I will try to answer the questions soon.

  3. Hi Lin, I loved finding out more about you, great post, and having used my Mum's sewing machine for years, I too was bought my own for my 18th birthday by my parents :)

  4. A very nice post Lin and I enjoyed learning a little more about you. Your wholecloth quilt is beautiful, love the Sashiko design. I see you have tagged me and I most likely will not have time to post before Christmas, but would be more then happy to send you my answers by e-mail and I will do that soon.


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