Wednesday, 9 September 2015

What Was I Thinking?

In the folder where I keep patterns that I use or want to try I keep passing over a plastic sleeve with some partly worked EPP.

I was looking for a small handwork project to do in the car while waiting for Philip to have his physio (thank you all for your kind wishes) and rather than start something new, always a temptation, I decided to get out this UFO.

So this is how much I had done

and here is the plan!

The rest of the papers are here too.

I have no idea when I did this (more than 20 years ago at least!) and most puzzlingly why? Those fabrics are from way back and I probably don't have any more of them so my first job is to go rummaging through my stash to see if I can find something that will work with them. It will make a nice table centre or the start of a small medallion quilt depending on my enthusiasm when it's finished!

So I am linking up with Anthea and her Piece Yourself Together linky. Thank you Anthea.

I have completed my swap hexie flowers for the month and remembered to photograph them this time but will show you on the next EPP linky in case my partners are reading this!

Hope you are having a happy stitchy week.


  1. I think I have one or two ufo's of great age too! It is a pretty design, I hope you find some suitable matches or maybe a good excuse for a shopping spree?!!! x

  2. Looking forward to watching this one progress Lin, those fabrics are beautiful. I keep meaning to clear all my old ufos but it rarely happens, good on you for doing this - Chris :D

  3. Hello Lin,

    Wow that is a lot of pieces but it won't take long once you have the fabrics sorted out. Lucky to have the main pattern, I have so many started crochet doilies that have no pattern. Amazing what we keep tucked away for another time.

    Happy days.

  4. We all do things like that Lin!
    I'm sure you'll make a good go of it, one you get your head around what you need to do to get it back on track

  5. Hi Lin, Looks really good looking forward to seeing it finished and what fabrics you now add to it. X:)

  6. It looks so lovely. I am sure that we all have ufos like that. I am presently finally quilting my shame lol! Boy some of the stitching I did is a bit sad lol!

  7. Show me a quilter who doesn't have UFO's! This looks very interesting almost spidery.

  8. It looks really good, and nice color. I'm sure most of us have more than one UFO. Looking forward seeing what you make.
    Hope Philip is getting better, and you have some more time sewing.

  9. Oh my, that looks so intricate - so beautiful! I hope you can find some fabrics for it!

  10. It looks like the start of something wonderful Lin.
    I do that to when I go back and look at older, half begun projects.


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