Saturday, 17 April 2021

FNSI for April

Friday Night Sew In! And what better time to start a new project!

 Last year I spotted a beautiful poppy wall hanging that Lou had made here. As the pattern no longer seems to be for sale, she very kindly shared and so that was my project for Friday. Could be getting ahead of myself for a change!

Anyway, by the end of the evening I had the background machined up (although I shall need to unpick the bottom border to tuck the leaves and stems under) and most of the applique pieces basted.

Very happy that I had all the batik fabrics in my stash and pleased with the look so far.

Thank you Wendy for organising our Friday Night - pop over to Wendy's blog here to see what everyone one else was doing.

I had a request last week for a picture of the hexie border I was working on so here it is.

Not the best of pictures but the light is not good today. There is a norrow border to add between the centre block and the hexie border - one of the darker fabrics. This is on hold now as I have to source fabric for the next border and I need to be in an actual shop to get the colour right. So it could be some time!

Anyway, secret stitching from last week is now complete and I have also been playing around with ink and bleach in my sketchbooks which has been fun. I am pleased with the results so far too!

It has been a cooler week here although out of the wind the sun has been lovely and warm. The frosts have continued though.
Hope you all have a good week.


  1. Loving your poppy! It's great to be doing something different and your quilt is looking lovely too. Interested to see how the sketch books are developing.
    Lots of sun here, very dry and frosty nights - moving pots in and out, boring..

  2. Nice work, Lin, with your poppy design! What great fabric choices for the leaves.
    How fabulous that hexie border looks for the gorgeous Dresden center block! What a beauty this is going to be!
    And your ink and bleach play in your sketchbooks - WOW! That looks so cool. I wonder how you created the shapes...with rubber stamps or your own carved designs or stencils or what? Fascinating!

  3. the poppy is lovely ..... and I do like how your Wings quilt is coming along.... I rather like that brown under which is behaving like a border. I too like to be in the shop to compare to match colours... am always impressed with people who can just pick up something...
    Your art work is looking great fun.... keep warm....

  4. Love your poppy block, batiks are great for a project like that. Your hexies border looks wonderful. Like your bleach play too, very effective.

  5. Playing with ink and bleach has come up with fabulous results, Lin. The poppy block is lovely. Those batik leaves are great.

  6. your poppy looks so pretty in the batiks.
    lovely to see your hexies and how they will surround the centre.
    Hope you get to go shopping for the border soon!

  7. Lovely poppy. And great progress on your Wings project....
    Your bleach play looks like fun....

  8. It's always a good time to start a new project. Finishing the old ones is the real challenge!

  9. The poppy is beautiful. I can see why you wanted to make it. Love the elongated hexie border. Looks like you are having fun playing with bleach.

  10. The poppy is beautiful! Wow Wings is looking great! So are your sketchbook pages xx

  11. The poppy wall hanging is looking good. The sketchbooks are fascinating, as Annie said how do you make the images?

  12. Gorgeous "new project" and I'm glad you started it too! Thanks for the hexie photo and that's too bad that it has to be put away for a bit. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the bleach. You sure created some pretty patterns. Thanks for sharing, Lin

  13. Your play with ink and bleach is so fun and lovely! Are they pieces you will use in a quilt or are they on paper?
    Your Hexie border is so pretty!

  14. I love the pretty hexie border and the colours you have chosen.


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