Saturday, 24 April 2021

Another Week ...

..has flown by! It has been a beautiful one though with lots of sun. Hopefully Mondays frost will be the last although you never can tell here - its always possible up until the middle of May - but fingers crossed!

More decorating this week - the turn of my sewing 'room' which technically is an alcove in a corridor! So it had to be done in two parts - first up my desk alcove.

As the desk is wider than the doors - I built it from a flatpack in situ! - it has to become an obstacle course in the middle of the corridor while I paint the walls behind it.

Then when that is all back in place comes the mamoth task of moving everything from the bookshelves.

And it takes an awful lot longer to put it back afterwards! Anyway, all done now - I am moving on to the bathroom next week.

So for relaxation I have been working on my poppy panel. The applique is all done now and it is ready to layer up and quilt.

I am very happy with this - a shame the vibrancy of the leaf fabrics is not showing up in my photograph though. Well I think I might just get on with layering it up now - have a good week everyone.


  1. Your poppy panel is fabulous!

  2. Love the Poppy panel!
    Redecorating is always such a pain! My Mother always said it was easier to move than redecorate/remodel. I'm not sure about that!

  3. I have some painting I should finish too. But it will be such a task that it's not very tempting. 😝 Love your little poppy flower. I'm sure you will embellish it with some fancy embroidery stitches. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. well done with the decorating.. that spot looks like you needed some clever manoevouring to get it all done... I love how your poppy has come up.... won't be long and it will be finished (or maybe it is now)


  5. Smaller spaces are always the trickiest. Well done...
    Your Poppy looks fabulous.

  6. Painting rooms is always a big job, isn't it. So much time is spent moving everything and then putting it all back in place. Your Poppy is lovely.

  7. It will be so good to have your work space all bright and fresh and reorganised!

  8. Oh, those books, always such a job! :-) Whenever I consider re-organizing, it is the books which stop me in my tracks - may be not today.....
    I do like the leaves fabric, it works very well; lovely wall hanging. Have you got a place for it yet?

  9. I love your alcove in the corridor sewing space because of the big happy window! It is lovely!

  10. I love that poppy panel Lin - its beautiful. You are doing well with your redecorating - keep up the great work!

  11. Well done on the decorating in a tricky spot. I love your alcove with that beautiful window. Your Poppy is lovely xx

  12. Well done on the painting, that is a big job. Lo e your poppy panel, it is so pretty.

  13. Such a lovely poppy and a good idea making use of the alcove with plenty of light.

  14. Have fun with your decorating! I’ve always been fascinated by your sewing alcove. Your poppy panel is strikingly lovely with the simple shapes.


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