Saturday, 22 May 2021


 Many thanks to Wendy for organising our Friday Night Sew In and a very Happy Birthday to Wendy too. Pop over to her blog  here to see who else took part.

Having wielded a decorating paintbrush in the morning, it was a pleasure to sit for an hour after lunch with my watercolour paintbrush! My pot of masking fluid arrived this week and so I was able to make a start on my next task which is painting glass. My first attempt was rubbish however attempt number 2 was much more succesfull.

So for Friday afternoon I painted the same glass but with a notebook behind to try and catch its reflections in the glass.

While that was drying I thought I would have a play with a little bird that I spotted on Annie's blog here using a tutorial that is here

Well he definitely needs a bit of tweaking - those legs are too far forward for a start! - but for a quick little doodle not too bad. He needs some ground to stand on too!

Apricots are in season here and I bought some earlier in the week, mainly to paint as they are not a favourite fruit of mine.

My evening was spent working on the quilting of my tablecloth which is coming along slowly but I am very happy with it.

It is certainly nice having it draped over my knees in the evenings - it has been very chilly here for May and we are still lighting fires in the evenings which is unheard of in May. Its been wet too although Thursday was dry and the sound of garden machinery could be heard all around the valley.

Well I think that is me all caught up for now - have a good week everyone and thanks again to Wendy.


  1. Wonderful art work - love the quilting too...that is so pretty.

  2. Wow, your glass looks terrific, Lin! I’m not sure I would even attempt that...which is why I think abstract is my painting style. Oh, look at your bird! He makes me smile. Yours is much closer to the tutorial than mine is. No two will ever be the same, that’s for sure. And I like that too. I see you gave your bird two legs also. One leg is abstract, but I had to have two legs. Your apricots look great. Not something I care too much for eating either. Your tablecloth looks so pretty.

  3. Goodluck trying to paint in the glass I'm sure you'll work it out..... The body and apricots look great......
    The legs aren't obvious......

  4. They painted wonderful watercolors ... the glass is so good. Yes and your quilting first. I am pleased.
    Many greetings to you. It was cold and wet here too, but nature seems delighted, everywhere blooms and is green ... p.s. I would like apricots fresh from the tree :-))
    Hug Viola

  5. You got me with your glass. On my blogger dashboard, I thought it was a real glass. Awesome painting. Love the bird too. I had to go check what Annie painted and I love hers too. So cute. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. lovely painting - the glass of water looks so realistically 3D and the apricots too.... I love a fresh apricot to eat! and the best jam....
    Your quilting is lookign wonderful.... I heard in UK the wet winter is going on forever too!

  7. You are a talented watercolorist, as well as stitcher-quilter!

  8. Your paintings are beautiful Lin & you are so clever - that wee bird is adorable. I cannot even manage a stick figure!! Your quilting looks so beautiful - your stitches are so neat. Its cold here too - & blowing a gale today. xx

  9. Very clever art work...especially the glass with reflection. Pretty tablecloth.

  10. Very clever gal! The glass must have been a bit of a challenge but it looks great. I rather like your birdie. It has character.

  11. Oh wow, your glass watercolour is fabulous, Lin. It seems you are a gifted watercolourist as well. Sweet little bird, too. Love the cross hatching quilting on that lovely quilt.

  12. Your table cloth is beautiful you do such lovely quilting. Your watercolours are wonderful, I love your little bird.

  13. It is chilly still - I'm still wrapped in blankets whenever I'm sitting working.

    I can see real progress in your watercolours. If I had one comment, it would be to suggest being a bit braver with dark shadows - I know how hard that is, but remember watercolour dries lighter, so what looks right when damp loses some of its impact as it dries..

  14. Your watercolour painting is fabulous - I had to look twice to check whether the first glass picture was the painting, or a photo of what you were painting!! And that bird is so cute. The crosshatching looks really good on the quilt - you are making great progress!

  15. You are doing great with your paintings.

  16. Lovely quilting, that crosshatch is very effective!

  17. Beautiful tablecloth and your paintings are very clever, love the little birdie.


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