Saturday, 15 May 2021

RSC for May and other things!

 The RSC colour for May is red and so, as usual, I started by pulling all the reds from my scrap box and making a couple of little red dresden flowers.

There were a few strips of fabric in there left over from my Red Manor House so I was able to make a few squares for the Scraptherapy box and then most of the rest went into five crumb blocks just leaving a few oddments to go back in the box. I must say this is very satisfying!

I am linking up with Angela for Scraphappy Saturday here


I have been busy quilting the 'skirt' of my tablecloth this week and I have to say it is far more enjoyable than working on the baskets in the centre and I have left the flowers in hope that inspiration might strike. Sorry, no photograph yet but I promise for next week.

I have also been painting more watercolour fruit. I am happy with these two.

The next challenge is a clear object ie a glass of water. For this I need masking fluid and as the shops are still closed I am awaiting a delivery. Meanwhile I could get a few sketches made.

For those who mentioned it I can report that my poppy now has it's hanging sleeve and has been put safely away until November.

It's wild orchid season here and we have been out and about looking for nice examples to photograph (it's also tick season but we wont go into that!) Here are a few of my favourites.

First a Bee orchid


Three Twayblades

Sword leaved helleborine

Early spider orchid

Fly orchid

This strange 'stick' is a Limodore orchid - you can see its flower in my header picture

and finally a Military orchid

So thats it for now - I am going to get my paints out! Have a good week.


  1. Beautiful dresden red flowers, Lin.Y ou have now all your red scraps organized, so cool. Also beautiful painting and flowers. Have a wonderful weekend.
    ~Ivani in Brazil

  2. I am delighted to see your watercolors! Your quilt work always inspires me, too. Thanks, also, for the beautiful wildflower photos.

  3. Love your red sewing, Lin. I wish I liked working with scraps...but I don’t. I save them for postcards and when I get too many I make them vanish and start over. Your painting is awesome! Your flower photos are so pretty.

  4. You have lots of cute little red scrappy projects!
    Gosh, I didn't realize there were so many different types of orchids. They are all so beautiful.

  5. Great job taming those red scraps. Your paintings look so real - I just want to grab a banana and peel it!

  6. Oh, my goodness! This post is so full of eye candy! Have you always known you could draw and paint? I’m envious.

  7. Such pretty red fabrics dancing in sweet hexies and crumb blocks. Your painted bananas and pear are amazing, Lin. Why, I feel I am looking at a clever! So many gorgeous wild orchids growing there; how beautiful. Oh, I do hope the ticks aren't causing you problems.

  8. Beautiful red sewing Lin, your watercolours are beautiful and the orchids are stunning, love the one in your header.

  9. Wow! There's a lot of orchid in your neck of the wood. Purple orchids were my wedding bouquet. I love orchids. I also love your watercolour paintings. I would just eat that pear. Great job! ;^)

  10. love all the red blocks you made........

  11. I love all those dresdens & scrappy blocks you have made with the red oddments Lin - they are just beautiful.

  12. Wild orchids? Incredible!! Nice job on getting some RED sewing done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, too.

  13. Love all of your red blocks. I'm afraid that I've been too busy this month to get around to any red here. Such is life! I never heard of wild orchids but I do have a potted one in my house. They are all so pretty!

  14. Pretty Red dresdans and nice blocks made with the left overs....
    Lovely paintings and lots of beautiful flowers blooming...

  15. Enjoy your painting!

    I do love all those reds!

  16. Pretty red fabrics for your flowers and I love the watercolour paintings, how clever. How odd the orchid plant of your header - amazing.


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