Sunday, 31 December 2023

A Happy and Not So Happy Christmas!

 First up the Happy bit - I found the Christmas decorations that I thought had been lost in our move from France! Happy dance from me. It was lovely to unwrap all the lovely things I have collected over the years and get them out on display. I am not one for clearing stuff away to make special Christmas displays - I just like to feed Christmassy things in amongst our normal collections. But here are a few little collections of Christmas dotted around the house.

The green Christmas Tree in the first picture lights up and sings, you may - or may not! be able to click on the picture for a video.

The little toboggan girl in the last picture is new for this year, otherwise everything else has been in my collection for a while.

Bought a new Christmas tree online with fingers crossed and am very happy with it's shape - not too wide as we do not have the space for a large tree! but plenty of branches to hang all my decorations from.

Very pleased to have found my tree decorations as most of them have been collected on my travels and some are over 40 years old.

Now for the not so happy - Philip visited our local hospital for a scan to look for gall stones on the Wednesday before Christmas. While there he was rushed to A&E with a very high temperature and kept in until Boxing Day due to an infected bile duct caused by the gall stones. Sepsis was diagnosed and we are thankful that we were at the hospital and dealt with so quickly. So hospital visiting was how I spent my Christmas! However, happy to report he is now recovering slowly although very tired. 
It has all been very quiet around here although family have popped in for visits - but I am still enjoying my decorations!

I like to get out my decorations a week before Christmas and leave them, by tradition, out until 12th night so six more days enjoyment to come. We need all the joy and light we can get at this time of year!

This year I made a proper Christmas cake and had it all ready to ice but in the end that didn't happen. However I have taste tested and it is pretty good!

Fortunately the Christmas presents I had been making were finished in time. Jennifer at posted this a week or so before Christmas which set me off on making these.

There were another two but they missed out on the photo shoot as I used them as soon as they were finished!

All the embroideries are different, to suit the recipients.

I also manged to finish the Starling socks that I had been working on.

They have been worn and washed now and very snuggly they are too!

Hopefully that is me all caught up.

Wishing you all a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.


  1. So good he is on the mend and that you were at the hospital to catch all his needs in time to help him!
    Lucky you were also able to get your Christmas items done on time.
    I wish you a fantastic new year and hope to see you on zoom next time.

  2. I'm thankful your husband is doing so much better. Winter is a good time to recover. The sachets on the cute clothes hangers are very nice. Your socks look awesome! Happy stitching in 2024!

  3. Lin, so sorry to read about Philip and so pleased that it ended up well; what Christmas! I hope his recovery will progress well; I wish you happy and healthy 2024!

  4. Continuing prayers for hubby, Lin, but grateful he is home with you again. What a different Christmas this has been for both of us.
    Yay on finding the box of Christmas ornaments!! Special pieces collected over 40 years would be treasures indeed.
    LOVE the coathangers...and now I may borrow your idea, please?
    God bless, and may joy flow like a river over you and your loved ones in 2024.

  5. You're socks look great. So sorry you had such a stressful Christmas. Hope things are more relaxed, today.

  6. Your decorations look very pretty and festive. Sending healing wishes to the patient and take the time to look after yourself.

  7. Glad you are both well and that Philip is recovering. Happy New Year to you both.

  8. So glad Philip is well on the road to recovery. Christmas decorations representing memories are so dear and I am glad you found them! A healthy 2024 is wished for you and Philip as well.

  9. OMG!! thank goodness you were already at the hospital. Hope he is back to 100% soon. Glad you found your decorations and they aren't's so fun to bring out decorations collected over the years...I just stick the Christmas bits in amongst the usual as well.

  10. Not how you imagined spending Christmas but it sounds like you were in the right place at the right time. All the best for a happy and healthy 2024 xx

  11. All your decorations look wonderful Lin - so pleased you found the others. Very sorry indeed to read about your dear Husband but gosh, thankful he was at the hospital when they found all this & could get onto it promptly. Your embroidered coathangers are just lovely & such a special gift. x0x

  12. Hope Phillip is recovering OK now -the best part of the decorations is remembering.

  13. May your New Year bring you calmer times. Love your coat hangers, are the sachets scented?

  14. My goodness that was a surprise! I hope your husband is recovering well. Love your decorations and tree and your cake looks yum!! Well done with the coat hangers and the sooks, they look amazing.

  15. You found lots of lovely decorations to put around your home...
    Sorry to read hubby was unwell but pleased he's on the mend.
    My hubby also had a trip to the A&E with a huge abscess on his back but thankfully home before Christmas. Now daily visits to have dressings changed ..

  16. The tree looks resplendent. the cake so yummy and the socks so very cozy. Wishing Philip a speedy recovery and lots of quality sewing time for you in the new year!

  17. What an alarming period it must have been. I'm glad to know that Philip is on the mend, and at least you still have the decorations and the cake to add a little cheer!

  18. Dear Lin, first of all all the best wishes for your dear Philip, how lucky you were in the hospital at the right time.
    Your Christmas cake looks great... the icing looks like marzipan, but it's probably icing... right?
    I would like to taste it, but I'm sure you've already eaten it :-)))
    All the best wishes for a nice 2024 for all of you and warm greetings from Viola.

  19. I'm a bit late in reading of Philip's ill health and surgery. I hope he is recovering with each new day. Take care, dear Lin. Xx


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