Saturday, 6 January 2024

January Friday Night with Friends

 Good to be back stitching and sharing on Friday nights for another year. Pop over to visit Cheryll here to see who else was stitching along.

It is the beginning of the month and so it is Rainbow Scrap Challenge time and the start of a new year means a new schedule of colours. First up was green and Angela suggested dark and bright greens.

I have two projects that I am linking up to the RSC this year. The first is a daily stitch journal. I am using 2023 templates for my journal from Karen Turner. I followed Karens progress last year on Instagram and thought that this would be a fun thing to do. However, I am not so keen on her 2024 templates so am sticking with 2023. Yes, I know, an extra day in Feb this year so some adjustment will need to be made! I pulled out a variety of dark and light green threads and have popped them into a small pouch which will also hold my fabric so I can just grab it and my scissors if I need a 'to go' project.

And here is my first page with the first 5 days filled in.

These are all chain stitch variations.

I had a couple of patchwork ideas in mind for the RSC but when Jennifer  published her first block of the month pattern for this year I thought that it would lend itself to RSC. The theme is Joy in the Ordinary which rather struck a chord with me. So here is my version of her block - I have used the sager greens in my stash and will use the dark and lights later in the year.

I then made two more blocks as I plan to make a larger quilt with the colours in rows.

Well, that is the plan at the moment!

Also underway earlier this week is another pair of socks. This time using some yarn that I picked up in a Charity shop from a company called Riverknits which I had never heard of before. It's a 4ply 100% Blue Faced Leicester, colourway Starry Night. And looking at their website I bagged myself a real bargain!

Anyway, it is knitting up beautifully as you can see - I am using Winwick Mum's Easy Lace pattern, which is in her book More Super Socks.

It finally seems to have stopped raining and we are set for a week of dry but cold weather. Which is fine by me as it looks as though it is going to be sunny, so perfect winter weather. Hopefully some nice walks followed by some warming soups and casseroles.

Have a lovely week.


  1. beautiful green stitcheries,I never could get the hang of knitting but admire the work of those who do

  2. Your daily journal stitching is going to be a lovely keepsake. I LOVE the blue of your yarn. I'm always impressed that people can knit socks, happy knitting!

  3. Oh dear, completely forgot about FNwF, too much going on ;-) Good start on a new project, Lin! And it never hurts to practice embroidery stitches, I should do more of that this year too.

  4. You have some lovely new projects to work on during the year.

  5. Such beautiful things you are working on Lin. I would love to do Jennifers Joy in the Ordinary this year too. I especially love your daily stitchery journal - its beautiful. xx

  6. Your 'Finding Joy in the Ordinary' is going to be lovely, Lin. Love all those different shades of green in the embroidery cottons. The variegated one is particularly pretty. Love the colour of the sock yarn. It seems you did very well with happening upon that pretty yarn.

  7. Lots to keep you busy - I do love the blue yarn. I need to get moving on my RSC.

  8. Cute BOM with the little embroidery. I like the idea of adding a couple more to make a larger quilt. Besides, it uses up that much more scraps!

  9. Lovely stitching, what a nice idea.

  10. What a great idea to combine the annual projects into the colour the daily embroideries so far...pretty's pouring rain here and it is supposed to be summer!!!!! ha ha ha...

  11. Beautiful stitching, great projects you are doing daily. Love the blocks you are making and the socks look great too. Rain here today too.

  12. Riverknits yarn is lovely, you certainly made a find in the charity shop! Your sock is looking great! :) xx

  13. Those socks do look lovely already. And I like all your chain stitch variations - it's a good stitch for doing a Theme and Variations with!

  14. I just had a read up about your daily stitching journal. What a great idea. And I like what you are doing with the RSC blocks too. The socks look lovely.


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