Saturday, 8 May 2021

Friday Night with Friends....

....has come around again very quickly! Thank you very much to Cheryll for getting us organised - you can see who else took part here 

However,I dont seem to have very much to show for my afternoon and evening! 

I have been playing with watercolours this week, painting fruit. So first up I completed this pear

which I am happy with. The paper is too thin so it has cockled but as this is only for practise I am not bothered. I have also done a banana

and and apple which I am NOT sharing!

Having completed my pear I got out this small piece that I started some time ago. The photograph is of some beautiful autumn leaves and I am trying to replicate the colours although without too much success.

Then in the evening I made a start on my swap hexies for the month.

Other more exciting news is that my poppy is complete - well apart from the hanging sleeve, a minor detail!

And I am really very pleased with how this has worked out.

The weather here has been up and down - today it is up but next week looks like it is going to be very wet. So it looks like time for more decorating!

Have a good weekend.



  1. Your painting is lovely... such detail.... and I love the poppy you did.... time to do the hanging sleeve now and put it up...

  2. Such very nice watercolor painting, Lin! The pear is well done and the banana is exceptional. I won’t even attempt. The leaves are going well I think. As I am also dabbling in watercolors, I find it really difficult to visualize the end result and how the paints will look when dry. You are doing well. I find it 100% easier to sew. Ha. Your poppy hanging looks beautiful. You are rightly so to be pleased with it.

  3. The pear is easy... nice... I bought pears by the glass and bake a cake :-) We were also very wet, but this weekend including Friday it is fantastic, tomorrow for Mother's Day with us over 20 degrees. Drinking coffee in the garden :-))) and I think I will not sew ... but be outside, in the forest, in the countryside.
    The poppy is absolutely wonderful. Have fun with your projects.
    Many greetings from Viola

  4. You are a talented painted. I think you are doing good on your leaves.

  5. Wonderful things to show this post. Your fruit is very life like. The poppy is really gorgeous!

  6. Ohhh another talent is emerging nicely... keep it up.
    Your hexies & poppy are wonderful too.
    Thanks for stopping in for FNwF...xox

  7. Goodluck with your watercolours..... I've no skills in that area

  8. Your watercolours are beautiful, did you eat the apple?? :-) Love your poppy block, very pretty hexies. I think we might be in for a wet week too.

  9. Your poppy wall hanger is lovely and great paintings.

  10. Love your paintings ...the poppy looks really good - even without a hanger!

  11. Beautiful poppy. Love your fruit! You are very clever. Well done. I wonder what happened to the apple? Hmmmmm.

  12. Your painted fruit is lovely ...
    The Poppy is beautiful...

  13. I admire anyone who can paint! Lovely fruit!
    Your wall hanging looks good too. I can see why you are pleased with it.
    Have a good week,

  14. Your poppy is stunning Lin!! As are your water colours - you are very clever indeed!!

  15. Your paintings are lovely.
    I adore your Poppy.

  16. Oh, but I want to see that apple. =) Your pear and banana, Lin, look realistic. Your poppy is going to look lovely hanging on the wall in all it's finished beauty.

  17. Fab job with your watercolours....I need some of your mojo. Mine has gone on holidays. Your Poppy hanging is beautiful...well done xx

  18. The poppy is looking lovely. As for the paintings - yes, I agree that when it's a practice piece, paper cockling doesn't matter quite so much, but I find it so much easier to paint on heavy paper that won't cockle!

  19. Hi Lin, lovely to have a catch up read and see what you have been doing. The Poppy hanging turned out beautifully - the batiks for the leaves do work really well. So clever with the painting too - I don't think I could ever achieve anything so realistic (although I do know it is practice practice practice!)!!

  20. Lovely paintings, a skill i dont have


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