Saturday, 22 May 2021


 Many thanks to Wendy for organising our Friday Night Sew In and a very Happy Birthday to Wendy too. Pop over to her blog  here to see who else took part.

Having wielded a decorating paintbrush in the morning, it was a pleasure to sit for an hour after lunch with my watercolour paintbrush! My pot of masking fluid arrived this week and so I was able to make a start on my next task which is painting glass. My first attempt was rubbish however attempt number 2 was much more succesfull.

So for Friday afternoon I painted the same glass but with a notebook behind to try and catch its reflections in the glass.

While that was drying I thought I would have a play with a little bird that I spotted on Annie's blog here using a tutorial that is here

Well he definitely needs a bit of tweaking - those legs are too far forward for a start! - but for a quick little doodle not too bad. He needs some ground to stand on too!

Apricots are in season here and I bought some earlier in the week, mainly to paint as they are not a favourite fruit of mine.

My evening was spent working on the quilting of my tablecloth which is coming along slowly but I am very happy with it.

It is certainly nice having it draped over my knees in the evenings - it has been very chilly here for May and we are still lighting fires in the evenings which is unheard of in May. Its been wet too although Thursday was dry and the sound of garden machinery could be heard all around the valley.

Well I think that is me all caught up for now - have a good week everyone and thanks again to Wendy.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

RSC for May and other things!

 The RSC colour for May is red and so, as usual, I started by pulling all the reds from my scrap box and making a couple of little red dresden flowers.

There were a few strips of fabric in there left over from my Red Manor House so I was able to make a few squares for the Scraptherapy box and then most of the rest went into five crumb blocks just leaving a few oddments to go back in the box. I must say this is very satisfying!

I am linking up with Angela for Scraphappy Saturday here


I have been busy quilting the 'skirt' of my tablecloth this week and I have to say it is far more enjoyable than working on the baskets in the centre and I have left the flowers in hope that inspiration might strike. Sorry, no photograph yet but I promise for next week.

I have also been painting more watercolour fruit. I am happy with these two.

The next challenge is a clear object ie a glass of water. For this I need masking fluid and as the shops are still closed I am awaiting a delivery. Meanwhile I could get a few sketches made.

For those who mentioned it I can report that my poppy now has it's hanging sleeve and has been put safely away until November.

It's wild orchid season here and we have been out and about looking for nice examples to photograph (it's also tick season but we wont go into that!) Here are a few of my favourites.

First a Bee orchid


Three Twayblades

Sword leaved helleborine

Early spider orchid

Fly orchid

This strange 'stick' is a Limodore orchid - you can see its flower in my header picture

and finally a Military orchid

So thats it for now - I am going to get my paints out! Have a good week.

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Friday Night with Friends....

....has come around again very quickly! Thank you very much to Cheryll for getting us organised - you can see who else took part here 

However,I dont seem to have very much to show for my afternoon and evening! 

I have been playing with watercolours this week, painting fruit. So first up I completed this pear

which I am happy with. The paper is too thin so it has cockled but as this is only for practise I am not bothered. I have also done a banana

and and apple which I am NOT sharing!

Having completed my pear I got out this small piece that I started some time ago. The photograph is of some beautiful autumn leaves and I am trying to replicate the colours although without too much success.

Then in the evening I made a start on my swap hexies for the month.

Other more exciting news is that my poppy is complete - well apart from the hanging sleeve, a minor detail!

And I am really very pleased with how this has worked out.

The weather here has been up and down - today it is up but next week looks like it is going to be very wet. So it looks like time for more decorating!

Have a good weekend.